1 2011-12-13 20:31:55

Ran across this while updating some of my plugins:

I've tested this on 3 discs that all dumped badly via xmb usb sharing, and they matched filer, iso_tool, and the database perfectly.
Can we get some testing up in here?

2 2011-12-14 17:37:27

I think this fix *might be* built-in for L/CFW 6.39ME v9.7 and L/CFW 6.60ME v1.6.  But that's just a guess based on the change log (for 6.60ME v1.6).

    Change CPU clock from 199/99 to 200/100.;
    Update VshMenu. Now you can use translate text.
    Fixed a ISO size when dump it through USB in XMB.

The timeline of the plugin release and ME custom firmware release makes sense, and neur0n developed both the plugin and ME custom firmware.  I haven't tested any of this...