1 2011-06-07 19:59:22

Now neo-geo can be dumped smile my question is hows it done.

Can it be done in raw mode for example, isnt that supposed to be good for saturn, and would it be good for neo-geo cd.

And what if anything is the things to look out for, I have heard they are not the most straight forward of discs to presserve.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

2 2011-06-08 18:14:30

What do you mean by "raw mode"? scrambled d8 image?

3 2011-06-08 22:21:23 (edited by tossEAC 2011-06-08 22:21:40)

not sure, someone asked if i was intrested in dumping my saturn games in raw mode, as it is a more accurate way, apparently.

didn't you even instruct me to dump a track from one of my saturn discs in raw mode, using cdtoimg or something?

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.