1 2010-11-12 02:22:23

I was trying to dump a game that's not in your database, and I'm having troubles.
Will someone be able to help?

  • Title: "Tail Concerto" (PAL PSX game)

  • It has only 1 data track

  • It's not in a perfectly good shape, but there's no big scratches either

  • I ran "perform a surface scan" twice with IsoBuster, it says that the game is in a good shape

  • I dumped the game around 8-10 times and always got a different checksum

  • The size of the .bin was always the same though!

  • Finally I ran psxt001z --libcryptdrvfast D: 3 times:
    Test 1: Original sectors: 63 / Other sectors: 1
    Test 2: Original sectors: 62 / Other sectors: 2
    Test 3: Original sectors: 62 / Other sectors: 2
    ^ The sector always giving me "unknown" instead of "original sector" is the 3rd one

Is it because the CD is too scratched (and IsoBuster screwed its surface scan job twice), or is it a case of copy protection, maybe?
Let me know if you need more informations.

Drive: Plextor PX-708A (Correction offset: +30)
Drive: TSSTcorp - DVDWBD SH-B123L (Correction offset: +6)

2 2010-11-12 04:09:24 (edited by Rocket 2010-11-12 04:12:32)

Justin Bailey, I think you must try dump this disc on different drive/drives. Sometimes it's helped.  hmm

And welcome to community!  smile

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