1 2010-10-24 08:37:50

For example; Kelly Slater' s Pro Surfer got two european dump
http://redump.org/disc/2429/ - Serial: DL-DOL-GKSP-UKV
http://redump.org/disc/4979/ - Serial: DL-DOL-GKSX-EUR

When file got renamed we got :
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe) (En,De)

When you look at the serial of each game, wouldn't it be better to name each game like that ?
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (UK)
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (Europe) (En,De)

i'm waiting your comments ...

2 2010-10-24 09:49:40

you are totally right.

3 2010-10-24 10:39:48

I've found about 50 games like that in the GC list.
Do i need to do a list for those games ?

4 2010-10-24 14:21:01

i guess it would be helpful.  maybe via the wiki

5 2010-10-24 14:39:21

Mmh, -UKV does not necessarily mean it's UK-only. There are some examples of a UKV dump matching an EUR dump.

I haven't figured it out completely yet, but the last letter before the -UKV or -EUR seems much more important. There seems to be a pattern: P is for Europe, D for Germany, E for USA, J for Japan, F for France, U for Australia and so on. Haven't figured out X and Y yet... Anyway, it would be wrong to assume that UKV means UK-only.

6 2010-11-01 00:46:42

Yes, I've seen quite a few UKV discs in Australia.