1 2010-07-02 03:47:07

With a powerfull lens or magnifying glass, obviously  big_smile

But the best technique, is not to look through your lens and at your disc, as though you were viewing the disc from --> straight above, instead angle your disc at about 45% away from your eye so you look over it at an angle (like a plane coming into land, the disc is the runway, and your eye is the pilots eye).

You also need to have a light on, or the sun shining, be carefull reading them in bright sunlight, as the reflection of the sun of the disc could definately damage your eyes.

It seems a lot clearer that way, I doubt many of us can loose the magnifying glass, but its definately better to angle it away from you.  smile

This is a bit trivial I know, but I struggle to read rings, fullstop. And I am just trying to help those in this situation, like me.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

2 2010-07-02 04:53:28

this is exactly the method i always use. thanks tossEAC