1 2010-06-04 01:29:44

Just a link to a site that may help some inexperienced Playstation fans get proper dumps from their game disks:

2 2010-06-04 01:35:35 (edited by Teancum 2010-06-04 01:43:44)

Actually i was thinking it would be a good Idea to put together an archive of par2 files. Since they could be helpful to a lot of people. I guess I will add it to my to do list which seems to have more items put on than taken off tongue

Keep up the good work.

3 2010-06-04 01:43:45

Very nice!  Not that good on the eyes, but that's not the point, I know. big_smile

You made me realize how awesome par2 is for images with audio tracks.  The thing usually finds and splits them up automatically with just a few blocks needed here and there.  Very impressive.  What I like the most is that everyone can use it as long as their images aren't TOO messed up.

Thanks for all your efforts.    yikes

4 2010-06-04 01:59:17

You might want to consider using Mediafire for PAR2 hosting instead of Megaupload.

Mediafire will keep all your files up as long as you login once every couple of months, while Megaupload will delete individual files if they aren't downloaded in 21 (anonymous) or 90 (free acct.) days. That way, you can ensure all files stay up, regardless of how often they are downloaded.

5 2010-06-05 00:29:14 (edited by NvrBst 2010-12-22 00:42:44)

I made a bunch of PAR2s for you, feel free to link them if you like *probably a big job hehe*, else, people could just browse through the mediashare folder if they need something.  The folder should contain all "(USA),(World)" PSX discs as of 2010-06-03.

Mediashare Folder: Sony - PlayStation (NTSC-U) (1233) (20100604 08-04-22) PAR2's
  EDIT:2010-06-13: Added the 31 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-06-20: Added the 17 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-06-25: Added the 26 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-06-26: Added the 05 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-07-01: Added the 10 new discs as of todays date.  Re-upped 2 discs that got deleted?
  EDIT:2010-07-17: Added the 23 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-07-21: Added the 05 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-07-22: Added the 03 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-07-30: Added the 04 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-08-01: Added the 06 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-08-06: Added the 09 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-08-10: Added the 03 new discs as of todays date.  Replaced 2 versions.  Deleted 1 disc.
  EDIT:2010-08-19: Added the 21 new discs as of todays date.  Replaced 1 version.  Deleted 3 discs.
  EDIT:2010-08-29: Added the 45 new discs as of todays date.  Re-upped 16 discs that got deleted?
  EDIT:2010-09-04: Added the 07 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-09-06: Added the 21 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-09-07: Added the 01 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-09-08: Replaced 3 corrupted par2s.
  EDIT:2010-09-11: Added the 03 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-09-17: Added the 06 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-09-26: Added the 08 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-10-04: Added the 05 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-10-18: Added the 02 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-10-20: Added the 07 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-10-22: Added the 03 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-10-31: Added the 48 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-11-07: Added the 16 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-11-10: Added the 02 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-11-14: Added the 29 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-11-21: Added the 05 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:2010-11-25: Added the 03 new discs as of todays date.  12 Random Patches Got Deleted; On ToDo List.
  EDIT:2010-11-27: Added the 01 new discs as of todays date.
  EDIT:Stopping the change-log in this post.  New par2's still uploaded to the mediafire share though usually a few days after they are matched.

I like how the par2s are available for everyone now, and if I can help ya with anything HwitVlf (upload them to a more convenient location, etc), just let me know.

I made them with the par2cmdline v0.4 (http://parchive.sourceforge.net/#clients), same people who made QuickPar.  It is basically just a command line version of QuickPar.  I used the following command: par2.exe c -b16384 -r1 -n1 -q "%~nB" "%~nB\*.bin", meaning, 1% parity, 16k block size, and 1 recovery file.  I didn't use 32k block size because it is huge hehe (in the past I never went above 8k), so I dropped that down a bit.  164 blocks should be more than enough to fix any shifting problems and then some, based on what you provided so far ~10-20 blocks were usually enough to fix the images.  The only other difference is that I didn't include the .cue files because if the names change in the future then people might not be able to get the correct cue without making it themselves.

I hope they are close enough to what you wanted, else, the batch script to make them only took about 3.5 days to complete, so it shouldn't be too hard to do them yourself if you have the discs on your HDD smile.

To be honest though these old PAR2's won’t be used much compared to PAR2s for brand new dumps.  PAR2s with new dumps make it so easy to match discs and I'm glad you keep making them; I wish all dumpers made PAR2's with their new dumps *smiles*.

6 2010-06-05 00:55:33

Thanks for the advice velocity, I'll go that way in the future
And thanks NvrBst for the PARs links, I'll go over them and see whats there

7 2010-06-12 16:26:50

This is very useful (especially for images with audio tracks)!!
Maybe someone could create a MediaFire folfer for (E) and (J) sets and maybe for other systems also...

HwitVlf and NvrBst, thanks for all your work.

"Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?"

8 2010-09-07 12:03:03

can you check your par2 file "South Park Rally (USA).vol000+164" and "Flintstones, The - Bedrock Bowling (USA).vol000+164" ?
they do not work with QuickPar.

9 2010-09-08 07:35:46 (edited by NvrBst 2010-09-08 23:55:21)

I did switch to "par2cmdline-0.4-tbb-20100203-win64.zip" to make the par2's about 2 months ago.  If you like to try using that instead you can get it here (commandline only): http://www.chuchusoft.com/par2_tbb/download.html

Alternatively MultiPar uses tbb so it should work as well (GUI): http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA021385/

The tbb par2's should work with QuickPar though; mediafire is funky right now and not letting me download, but I will test those two files when it lets me download + reup if they are corrupted.

EDIT: You are correct those two were corrupted.  I did some testing and there seems to be a bug with ttb's "-q -q" switch (complete silence).  When I create the par2s with just "-q" (quite) it seems to work every time.  With "-q -q" it seems to work maybe 75% of the time; seems to only affect multi track discs though.  I reported the bug and edited my batch file so future par2s shouldn't be affected.