1 2010-05-31 16:06:58 (edited by Specialt1212 2010-05-31 16:07:34)

I purchased a Final Fantasy VII Lot on Ebay which contains 7 PS1 disc's & 1 PC disc. After dumping the games and running them through clrmamepro I noticed the two following demo's are identical however they are different prints of the same CD

- Playstation Underground Vol. 2 Disc 2
- Final Fantasy VII standalone demo disc, sent out to mail subscribers

You can tell they are different prints because the PSU Vol. 2 Disc 2 has "Disc 2" printed on the actual disc while the Final Fantasy VII standalone demo disc doesn't have that printed on it.

Both games are verifying as the same dump in the database i.e. PlayStation Underground Volume 1 Issue 2 (Disc 2)

So does that game need to be relabeled or should we just add comments about 2 printings of the game?