1 2010-05-15 16:18:24 (edited by Specialt1212 2010-05-15 16:19:43)

I was verifying Oni (USA) and ran into something unusual. The size in the database didn't match the size of my dump although my hash calc values were identical.

When I include the size of a game I usually right click the bin file and use the one labeled (Size on Disc) it looks like IpseDixit used the size option instead. For most games the Size & Size on Disc match each other but this game they are different.

Image Size: 740,675,376 bytes (Size)
Image Size: 740,675,584 bytes (Size on Disc)

Should I be using Size or Size on Disc when submitting entry's?

If it is the size option then the database entry for Oni is correct.

2 2010-05-15 16:33:44 (edited by RetroGamer 2010-05-15 16:34:12)

It's the "size" value that should be used. I think that the "size on disc" depends of the file system and cluster size...
That's why i think that Clrmame should be used always, even for single track discs...

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