1 2010-04-30 09:43:44 (edited by HwitVlf 2010-04-30 09:49:44)

I have an original Playstation Madden NFL 98 game with a verified CRC-32 of c14db6d4 as opposed to the one in the database with a CRC-32 of 5595848f. 

My copy's "DATA" folder has a date stamp of 7/7/97 10:09:12 as opposed to 27/7/1997 11:16:46 listed by redump's database (as remarked in the listing).

I'm not dumping anymore, but I though people with a Madden98 image that matches mine (CRC-32 c14db6d4) would like to know it is not a bad image, just a different version.

2 2010-04-30 09:50:48

Thanks, we'll unhide it (at least, I think it was hidden).

3 2010-04-30 10:58:33

I should have mentioned, that is the USA NTSC version of Madden 98 smile