1 2010-04-24 23:50:30

Hi Guys.

I have started to dump some XBox360 Games with my kreon.
I have read, the Kreon Drives have a issue with "reading the angles". But I didn`t know, what was mean with this!!!

I think I figured it out.

Take a XBox360 Game (Wave4 or higher, some Wave 3 Games have the same problem) and try to dump the SS.BIN. Check the CRC. Now dump the SS.BIN a second time and compare the CRC..... Everytime you dump the SS.BIN, you get a different CRC.

I have read, that you need a 0800 Flashed XBox360 Drive for this. The 0800 Method read this sector more then one time and should determinate a exact crc... (But I don`t know it exactly, because I couldn`t test it right now).

Maybe somebody have more info about this

2 2010-04-25 07:36:32

I think you have to erase some sectors in ss.bin and then it will have the same CRC every time, but I'm not an expert in this field, so wait for some answer which can confirm this, or find some other solution.

3 2010-04-25 12:31:23

hmmm.... I have now found this:

4.) Extracting DMI, PFI and SS

http://forum.redump.org/topic/5888/xbox … 62-method/

Now your dump is BASICALLY ready to be submitted. But wait, there is still some extra stuff we'd like you to provide us with. So, as a last step, extract the DMI, PFI and SS sectors. Don't ask me what exactly they do; as far as I know they're important in terms of preservation. To extract these sectors you'll need a tool named Schtrom360Xtract. Version 4.1 and above will do fine.

Again, things are a bit complicated. Start Schtrom, select your drive from the list, choose "pfi.bin", "dmi.bin" and "ss.bin" from the "Task" dropdown list and extract them successively. Next, determine the CRC32 of PFI.BIN and DMI.BIN. Not SS.BIN, though, it still needs a little extra care. You need to open it with a hex editor and replace the bytes in the circles (ONLY those bytes!) exactly as in this picture:

http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/116/ … ircled.png

Then you can calculate SS.BIN's CRC32 as well.

For the lazy ones among you, I've hacked together a small python script to do the SS.BIN conversion. You can find it here. You need Python to run the script; open the command line, go to Python's path, then type the following command:

python X:\path\to\ss.py Y:\path\to\ss.bin

The script then overwrites SS.BIN with the proper hex values. Oh, and it's been years since I wrote my last piece of code, so don't mock me for its crappiness tongue

And if you're even lazier, you can find an .exe version of the tool here. I've created it with py2exe, so you need to keep the extra crap that comes with it... But don't worry, there's no virus etc. in it. Usage is as simple as it gets -- just drag your ss.bin onto ss.exe and it converts it.

If this is the right method, Jackal have to add this small indormation to his Tutorial
http://forum.redump.org/topic/6073/xbox … tructions/

4 2010-04-25 15:03:03

these are two different things, Xbox1 and Xbox360, and Jackal wrote a tut for Xbox1 only, Xbox360 isn't officially there that's why it is hidden (moved to tracker section) right now

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

5 2010-04-25 15:37:49

ahh okay.

I have tryed both methods. The Method in Tracker section and Jackals method.

I get with both methods the right crc from the game.iso dmi.bin and pfi.bin.

Just the SS.BIN give a different crc. Maybe you add the part with the SS.BIN to Jackals tut and write to this point

Attention : XBoX360 Only!!!

I have dump now the SS.BIN 5 times and I have changed the bytes, like in amaroks tutorial.
After I changed the bytes in the 5 SS.Bin, every SS.BIN had the same crc. Seems it work now fine.

Additional I have compared this changed bytes with a SSV2 SS.BIN (This is a SS.BIN dumped with a 0800 flashed XBox360 Drive) The bytes in the circles are similar to the SSV2 dumped similar to the changed ones in amaroks tutorial