1 2025-01-02 19:38:06 (edited by shfil 2025-01-02 20:23:43)

1) after connecting to power no reaction (completely dead)
2) powers on, but doesn't allow to eject tray (no reaction to pressing button)
3) powers on, tries to eject tray, but unsuccessfully
4) powers on, takes disc, but nothing further
5) powers on, takes disc, tries to spin disc, but stops imminently
6) powers on, takes disc, spins, but doesn't appear in windows
7) powers on, takes disc, disc is available in windows, but cannot dump disc

Please add model number, revision and additional symptoms if available.

Blink codes:
cd based: https://web.archive.org/web/20060429232 … art40.html
716: https://web.archive.org/web/20060423023 … AandUF.htm

2 2025-01-02 21:20:48 (edited by Morlit 2025-01-02 21:21:20)

How my 708A behaves with different OPU's.

With SF-DB10 S3: Doesn't spin up any disc. Tries for a few seconds before giving a Amber 5 (Offset adjustment failed)

With SF-DB10 N5: Drive makes ticking noises when presented with a CD and wont spin up the disc. Eventually gives an Amber 2 (Auto adjustment failed). DVDs Reads and dumps fine.

With SF-DB10 T12: Drive doesn't recognize any discs. Wont try and spin up and behaves as if no disc was present.