1 2010-03-11 09:25:20

I have some new Application CDs for the PS2 here, but I really don't know how I should dump them correctly...

1) X-Port (Datel):

This disc has a dummy file on it (every sector contains exactly the same data), within this file there are some unreadable sectors, the problem is that on every drive the range of these sectors is a little different and so I can't get a matching dump of 2 different drives:

LG GSA-4167B: Sectors 25-543 unreadable (same with clonecd & ddump)
Pioneer DVR-216: Sectors 25-561 (ccd&ddump again the same)
Toshiba SD-M1712: Sectors 25-545 (ccd&imgburn, no ddump cause connected to usb)

also checked with other drives and all give different results, so what should I do? I know that the LG give the best result, but I don't know if there is a drive somewhere who will read more sectors and make my dump wrong...

2) HDTV Player (Blaze):

This disc has a wrong TOC (original toc of crazy taxi), this TOC says that image should be 700MB, but you can see clearly when you look at the disc that there are not more than 50MB of data written. So how can I dump this? After the data it produces only read errors and I think 650MB with read errors will last days to dump...

I hope that anyone can help me dumping this 2 discs...

2 2010-03-21 12:13:00

hey....noone has any idea on how I can dump this discs???