1 2010-03-05 17:18:16

Hiya, i have a doubt smile

When a game is produced only for a determined region, and there is only the language for that region, then the language tag is ignored right? Make's no sense things like: (Spain) (Es), (France) (Fr), (Japan) (Jap), etc ...

How about for example that game? --> Shoot (Germany)

I think its a game only produced on Germany but in english language? The .cue generated don't tell anything about language. Don't would be: Shoot (Germany) (En)?

Sorry my ignorance, just asking smile

2 2010-03-06 12:48:37

Maybe the region should be set to Europe for this one.
The back cover says the manual is multilanguage, so it is very likely not a germany only game:
http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/7743 … ackdx0.jpg