1 2024-11-23 13:53:37 (edited by Scirvir 2024-11-23 13:56:13)

Hi everyone,

I got a DVD game (Race Driver: Grid, ES region, published by FX Interactive) with Ring protection(http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … ping_Guide) but i'm having issues. First I used CDArchive with the following command,

CDArchive.exe --mode=etx --extrdrive=F --extrdiscmode=dvd --extrsectdir="C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Folder\secout" --extrrefcue="C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Folder\IMAGE.cue"

but it immediately fails with message

Error extracting sectors: 2

I found odd that the DVD dumping guide didn't say you have to specify a sector region , so passed it thru Alcohol (as mentioned in step 1 of this comment http://forum.redump.org/post/63385/#p63385) but said that the error region was around 82% of the disc.

Here's the Alcohol output

########################### System Information ###########################
  Windows 10  10.0  (Build 19045)
  Processor info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz x 4 (2396MHz)
  Physical memory available to Windows: 8.288.616 KB

############################ Program Information ###########################
  File Name: C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\A120FE_9902_PE (1)\Alcohol 120% FE ( (Portable Edition)\Alcohol.exe
    Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Description: Alcohol 120%
    Original: Alcohol.exe
    Product: Alcohol 120%
    Trademarks: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Copyright: Copyright(C) 2002-2017 Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Version: 2.0.3 (Build 9902)
    Date: 02/05/2017 7:14:20
    Size: 1634208 Bytes
    Hash: 64745b1070861e148cb1a0cf04d34c87
  File Name: C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\A120FE_9902_PE (1)\Alcohol 120% FE ( (Portable Edition)\DevSupp.dll
    Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Description: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
    Original: DevSupp.dll
    Product: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
    Copyright: Copyright(C) 2002-2016 Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Version: 2.8.1 (Build 10526)
    Date: 26/09/2016 5:22:38
    Size: 58272 Bytes
    Hash: 45cb75429b17773f9f7ed0e2b0e01f13

########################### User Information ###########################
  Registered User ID: FE

########################### Options Setting ###########################
  Devices Control Interface: Windows ATAPI/SCSI Control Interface
  CPU Priority Level: High
  Memory Buffer Size (MB): 256
  Examine the accuracy of data read from physical device: Yes
  Enable Enhanced Weak Sector Scanner during dumping: No
  Overburn disc(s): No
  Turn off "Auto-Select best write speed" function if possible: No
  Fill memory buffer before recording discs: Yes
  Book Type DVD+R/DVD+RW disc as DVD-ROM while burning: No
  Virtual Device Sub-System: *** Not avaliable ***
  UI Language: English

############################ Device(s) List ############################
  (F:) TSSTcorp CDDVDW SU-228GB  (Port 0, Bus 1, Target 0, Lun 0)

##################### Installed Device Drivers List #####################
  ACPI.sys      acpiex.sys    acpipagr.sys  afd.sys       afunix.sys
  AgileVpn.sys  ahcache.sys   AsRadioControl.sys athw8x.sys    bam.sys
  BasicDisplay.sys BasicRender.sys BATTC.SYS     Beep.SYS      bindflt.sys
  BOOTVID.dll   bowser.sys    btfilter.sys  BTHport.sys   BTHUSB.sys
  CAD.sys       cdd.dll       cdrom.sys     CEA.sys       CI.dll
  CimFS.SYS     CLASSPNP.SYS  cldflt.sys    CLFS.SYS      clipsp.sys
  CmBatt.sys    cmimcext.sys  cng.sys       CompositeBus.sys condrv.sys
  crashdmp.sys  dfsc.sys      disk.sys      dptf_cpu.sys  drmk.sys
  dtlitescsibus.sys dtliteusbbus.sys dump_diskdump.sys dump_dumpfve.sys dump_iaStorA.sys
  dxgkrnl.sys   dxgmms2.sys   EhStorClass.sys ElbyCDFL.sys  ElbyCDIO.sys
  esif_lf.sys   fastfat.SYS   filecrypt.sys fileinfo.sys  FLTMGR.SYS
  Fs_Rec.sys    FsDepends.sys fvevol.sys    fwpkclnt.sys  gpuenergydrv.sys
  hal.dll       HDAudBus.sys  HIDCLASS.SYS  HIDPARSE.SYS  HTTP.sys
  hvservice.sys hvsocket.sys  hvsocketcontrol.sys i8042prt.sys  iaStorA.sys
  igdkmd64.sys  IntelPcc.sys  intelpep.sys  intelppm.sys  IntelTA.sys
  iorate.sys    kbdclass.sys  kd.dll        kdnic.sys     ks.sys
  ksecdd.sys    ksecpkg.sys   ksthunk.sys   lltdio.sys    luafv.sys
  LXCORE.SYS    lxss.sys      mmcss.sys     monitor.sys   mouclass.sys
  mountmgr.sys  mpsdrv.sys    mrxsmb.sys    mrxsmb20.sys  Msfs.SYS
  msisadrv.sys  mslldp.sys    msquic.sys    msrpc.sys     mssmbios.sys
  mup.sys       ndis.sys      ndiscap.sys   ndistapi.sys  ndisuio.sys
  NdisVirtualBus.sys ndiswan.sys   NDProxy.sys   Ndu.sys       netbios.sys
  netbt.sys     NETIO.SYS     npcap.sys     Npfs.SYS      npsvctrig.sys
  nsiproxy.sys  Ntfs.sys      ntosext.sys   ntoskrnl.exe  Null.SYS
  nvlddmkm.sys  nwifi.sys     p9rdr.sys     pacer.sys     partmgr.sys
  pci.sys       pcw.sys       pdc.sys       peauth.sys    portcls.sys
  PSHED.dll     rasl2tp.sys   raspppoe.sys  raspptp.sys   rassstp.sys
  rdbss.sys     rdpbus.sys    rdpvideominiport.sys rdyboost.sys  rspndr.sys
  rt640x64.sys  RTKVHD64.sys  RtsUer.sys    SgrmAgent.sys SleepStudyHelper.sys
  spaceport.sys srv2.sys      srvnet.sys    storport.sys  storqosflt.sys
  storvsp.sys   swenum.sys    tbs.sys       tcpip.sys     tcpipreg.sys
  TDI.SYS       tdx.sys       TeeDriverW8x64.sys tm.sys        tpm.sys
  UCPD.sys      ucx01000.sys  udfs.sys      UEFI.sys      umbus.sys
  usbccgp.sys   USBD.SYS      UsbHub3.sys   usbvideo.sys  USBXHCI.SYS
  vdrvroot.sys  vfpext.sys    vhdmp.sys     vhdparser.sys Vid.sys
  vmbkmclr.sys  vmbusr.sys    VmsProxy.sys  VmsProxyHNic.sys vmswitch.sys
  volmgr.sys    volmgrx.sys   volsnap.sys   volume.sys    vpcivsp.sys
  vwifibus.sys  vwififlt.sys  vwifimp.sys   wanarp.sys    watchdog.sys
  wcifs.sys     Wdf01000.sys  WdFilter.sys  WDFLDR.SYS    WdNisDrv.sys
  werkernel.sys wfplwfs.sys   win32k.sys    win32kbase.sys win32kfull.sys
  WindowsTrustedRT.sys WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys winhvr.sys    winnat.sys    wmiacpi.sys
  WMILIB.SYS    Wof.sys       WppRecorder.sys WUDFRd.sys    

################## Detailed Information of Device(s) ##################

    (F:) TSSTcorp CDDVDW SU-228GB (0:0) detail information.
    Vendor Identification: TSSTcorp
    Product Identification: CDDVDW SU-228GB
    Production Revision Level: AS00
    Location: Port 0, Bus 1, Target 0, Lun 0
    Support recording method: DAO / SAO, RAW SAO, RAW SAO + SUB, RAW DAO(96), TAO, DVD DAO
    BURN-Free Technology: Supported ( Unknown )
    Auto-Select best write speed: Not Supported
    *** Drive NOT listed in our drive database. Contact Alcohol support team to rectify this.
      * [CD]     -ROM R/W: V/X, -R R/W: V/V, -RW R/W: V/V
      * [DVD]    -ROM R/W: V/X, -R R/W: V/V, -RW R/W: V/V, +R R/W: V/V, +RW R/W: V/V, -RAM R/W: V/V
      * [HD DVD] -ROM R/W: X/X, -R R/W: X/X, -RW R/W: X/X, -RAM R/W: X/X
      * [BD]     -ROM R/W: X/X, -R R/W: X/X, -RE R/W: X/X
  -* Note: This information below is provided by the unit, it might be inaccurate. *-
  -* This software does not use this information!                                  *-
      Removable media: Yes
      Version: ATAPI (INF-8090i/INF-8020i/INF-8028i)
      Response Data Format: 02h
      CD-R & CD-RW Read / Write: CD-R: Yes / Yes, CD-RW: Yes / Yes
      Read CD-R Fixed Packet: Yes
      Test Write: Yes
      DVD-ROM Read: Yes
      DVD-R and DVD-RAM Read / Write: DVD-R: Yes / Yes, DVD-RAM: Yes / Yes
      Audio Play: Yes
      Composite Audio and Video Data Stream: No
      Digital output (IEC958) on port 1 / 2 Supported: No / No
      Mode 2 Form 1 / 2: Yes / Yes
      Multi-Session: Yes
      BUF: Yes
      CD-DA Commands supported: Yes
      CD-DA Stream is Accurate: Yes
      R-W Supported: Yes
      R-W De-interleaved and Corrected: No
      C2 Pointers Support: Yes
      ISRC / UPC Supported: Yes / Yes
      Read Bar Code: No
      Lock media into the drive: Yes
      Currently drive Lock state: Unlocked
      Prevent Jumper: No
      Eject Command: Yes
      Separate volume levels: Yes
      Separate channel mute: Yes
      Changer Supports Disc Present: No
      Software slot selection: No
      Side change capable: No
      P through W in Lead-In: Yes


####################### Dumping/Recording Progress Log #######################
********* Time stamp of this log file:  22/11/2024 16:30:04 *********
16:30:04 Processor info: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz x 4 (2396MHz)
16:30:04 Disc dumping: (F:) TSSTcorp CDDVDW SU-228GB (0:0)
16:30:04 Reading Mode: General Mode , Ignore reading errors
16:30:04 DVD Source Info:  Session: 1, Track: 1, Length: 6.23 GB / 3266912
16:30:10 Writing image file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Alcohol 120%\GRID.mdf
16:33:51 Disc read error at: 589712
16:36:51 Disc read error at: 589713
16:37:00 Disc read error at: 589714
16:39:59 Disc read error at: 589715
16:40:08 Disc read error at: 589716
16:43:07 Disc read error at: 589717
16:43:16 Disc read error at: 589718
16:43:20 Disc read error at: 589719
16:43:20 Starting Advanced Sector Scanner to scan the bad sector area.
16:43:44 Advanced Sector Scanning finished, Bad Sector Range: Start 589712, End 3266909
16:43:58 Disc read error at: 3266910
16:43:58 Disc read error at: 3266911
16:43:58 Disc dumping completed!
16:43:58 C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Alcohol 120%\GRID.mds: Image file writing completed!

I tried a few other tools:

  • CloneCD hangs

  • DIC generates image that cant install the game

  • IsoBuster reports 2677201 read errors

I'm a bit at a loss here. There's a release for another region in the database so hopefully someone can help.


Edit: here's a scan of the data side of the disc: https://www.betaarchive.com/imageupload … r.1550.png

2 2024-11-23 14:50:54

I did dump this disc personally. http://redump.org/disc/61556/
Just use CloneCD with a DVD drive.
Remove all the hardware/software correction available in the settings, and also deactivate the fast erroneous sector skipping.
It's going to take a few hours. Let it sit there.
Then once it's done, try to get the latest few sectors in reverse with CDArchive, following the guide in the wiki page.
If you find some more sectors with CDArchive, you can merge those directly to the iso image.
In my experience, only 2-3 sectors can be recovered in this way, not that much.
CDArchive it's ONLY used to try and get more sectors from the ring(s), not to dump the entire image file!

Plextor: PX-W4012TU, PX-W5224TA, Premium, PX-716SA, PX-760A || LG GDR-8164B || Lite-On SOHD-167D
HP (Toshiba/Samsung): TS-H353A - Kreon FW || HP (Hitachi/LG): BH40N - crossflashed with LG BH16NS40 FW || Sony Optiarc AD-7280S

3 2024-11-23 15:40:19 (edited by Lugamo 2024-11-23 16:11:22)

Scirvir wrote:

CloneCD hangs

Really? That's odd.

Scirvir wrote:

DIC generates image that cant install the game

Dumping ringed DVDs with DiscImageCreator is somewhat complex, but feasible in my experience. The method I personally use is the following:

  • Start a normal dump and stop it once it starts to fail.

  • Once you get the first LBA with errors (it differs in every disc), you have to find the specific file tied to it.  In order to find the appropiate file, you can use the *_volDesc.txt file from your ill-fated DiscImageCreator dump, or use IsoBuster (the free version will work just fine).

  • Once you find the file, you need to add its name to the "ReadErrorProtect.txt" file. It's very important for the file you think it's the first one to have errors to be first on the list.

  • Start a new dump with the following flags: /rr X /sf /sk Y. X is the amount of retries (I suggest 20 or 30) you want DiscImageCreator to do before it skips the amount of sectors specified in Y (which should be the amount of sectors you think the ring may cover —which I usually find with CloneCD and Alcohol 120%, which aren't a viable option in this case— plus 100 or more sectors, just to be safe, DiscImageCreator will skip the amount of specified sectors until it finds a good one, then it will read in reverse until it finds another sector which fails the amount of re-reads you've specified and then it will continue reading forward). Once a new dump starts, a message in the console along the lines of "Detected protection [File] LBA * to *" should pop-up. If the first sectors with errors is NOT in that range, you picked the wrong file, and it WILL produce a bad dump.

I complemented this with a CloneCD dump refined with CDArchive while dumping Patrician III: Imperio de los Mares, with both matching.

4 2024-11-23 23:06:23 (edited by Scirvir 2024-11-23 23:06:48)

I've started a new dump with CloneCD with TonyLizard's suggested settings. Before i thought it was hanging cause read speed was at 0kbps for a long long while but it turns out it's still working, but stays at certain problematic sectors (thought not all of them) for almost 1 hour and a half. So i'll let it sit there and hope for the best.

I got two drives and two copies of the game so might as well try Lugamo's method. What should I be looking for on the _volDesc.txt ? The last file that has a "FullPath" entry? The end of the file is a LBA File Entry that looks like this.

========== LBA[000308, 0x00134]: File Entry ==========
                                 Descriptor Tag
                                 Tag Identifier: 261
                             Descriptor Version: 2
                                   Tag Checksum: 139
                              Tag Serial Number: 1
                                 Descriptor CRC: 6fe4
                          Descriptor CRC Length: 300
                                   Tag Location: 2
                                        ICB Tag
        Prior Recorded Number of Direct Entries: 0
                                  Strategy Type: 4
                             Strategy Parameter: 0000
                      Maximum Number of Entries: 1
                                      File Type: 4
                            Parent ICB Location
                           Logical Block Number: 0
                     Partition Reference Number: 0
                                          Flags: 0x230
                                            Uid: ffffffff
                                            Gid: ffffffff
                                    Permissions: 0x14a5
                                File Link Count: 12
                                  Record Format: 0
                      Record Display Attributes: 0
                                  Record Length: 0
                             Information Length: 1352
                        Logical Blocks Recorded: 1
                           Access Date and Time: 2012-03-09T15:04:40.000000+01:00 (LocalTime)
                     Modification Date and Time: 2012-03-09T15:04:40.000000+01:00 (LocalTime)
                        Attribute Date and Time: 2012-03-09T15:04:40.000000+01:00 (LocalTime)
                                     Checkpoint: 1
                         Extended Attribute ICB
                                  Extent Length: 0
                                Extent Location
                                   Logical Block Number: 0
                             Partition Reference Number: 0
                             Implementation Use
                                          Flags: 0
                                      Unique Id: 0
                      Implementation Identifier
                                          Flags: 0
                              Identifier Suffix: 0000000000000000
                                      Unique Id: 0
                  Length of Extended Attributes: 132
               Length of Allocation Descriptors: 8
                            Extended Attributes
           Extended Attribute Header Descriptor
                                 Descriptor Tag
                                 Tag Identifier: 262
                             Descriptor Version: 2
                                   Tag Checksum: 239
                              Tag Serial Number: 1
                                 Descriptor CRC: 34a7
                          Descriptor CRC Length: 8
                                   Tag Location: 2
             Implementation Attributes Location: 24
                Application Attributes Location: 132
          Implementation Use Extended Attribute
                                 Attribute Type: 2048
                              Attribute Subtype: 1
                               Attribute Length: 52
                      Implementation Use Length: 4
                      Implementation Identifier
                                          Flags: 0
                                     Identifier: *UDF FreeEASpace
                              Identifier Suffix: 0201000000000000
                             Implementation Use: 61 05 00 00
          Implementation Use Extended Attribute
                                 Attribute Type: 2048
                              Attribute Subtype: 1
                               Attribute Length: 56
                      Implementation Use Length: 8
                      Implementation Identifier
                                          Flags: 0
                                     Identifier: *UDF DVD CGMS Info
                              Identifier Suffix: 0201000000000000
                             Implementation Use: 49 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
                         Allocation descriptors
                                  Extent Length: 1352
                                          Flags: 0
                                Extent Position: 3

Any info from this block that i can use? I'll attach the full log in  case there's something i dont know to look for.

Thanks to both for your help.

Post's attachments

Disc01_volDesc.txt 271.63 kb, 3 downloads since 2024-11-23 

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5 2024-11-23 23:23:47 (edited by Lugamo 2024-11-23 23:36:55)

Scirvir wrote:

I've started a new dump with CloneCD with TonyLizard's suggested settings. Before i thought it was hanging cause read speed was at 0kbps for a long long while but it turns out it's still working, but stays at certain problematic sectors (thought not all of them) for almost 1 hour and a half. So i'll let it sit there and hope for the best.

I got two drives and two copies of the game so might as well try Lugamo's method. What should I be looking for on the _volDesc.txt ? The last file that has a "FullPath" entry? The end of the file is a LBA File Entry that looks like this.


Any info from this block that i can use? I'll attach the full log in  case there's something i dont know to look for.

Thanks to both for your help.

Which is the first sector with errors? Which is the range of errors that CloneCD returned?

6 2024-11-24 00:00:11

Lugamo wrote:

Which is the first sector with errors?


Which is the range of errors that CloneCD returned

Welp after 3 hours CloneCD just ran thru the disc from 590272 to 3266880 (almost the end of the disc) in just a few minutes, all sectors in between giving read errors.

Upon trying to install the game using the image produced by CloneCD just now, the installer says the file "Cab1.cab" has issues, which seems to be a portion of the actual game's files

7 2024-11-24 00:07:49 (edited by Lugamo 2024-11-24 00:09:28)

Scirvir wrote:


Thanks. Apparently, the file that is covered by that sector is "Filt.ll_". I could be wrong, tho. Can you add it first in the ReadErrorProtect.txt file, start the dumping process using the flags mentioned earlier and post what message pops up in the console?

Scirvir wrote:

Welp after 3 hours CloneCD just ran thru the disc from 590272 to 3266880 (almost the end of the disc) in just a few minutes, all sectors in between giving read errors.

Oh... That seems quite a lot. In this case, I would suggest skipping 1000 sectors (/sk 1000). If I'm not mistaken, once it finds a sector without errors it should go back until it finds a sector that cannot be dumped. Please, post full logs if the file mentioned above was the correct one.

8 2024-11-24 02:00:43

Aha, that did it! Dumped properly and the game installed from the iso without problems. Thank you so much Lugamo smile

Post's attachments

good_dump_DIC_log.txt 30.31 kb, 3 downloads since 2024-11-24 

You don't have the permssions to download the attachments of this post.

9 2024-11-24 02:03:10

Scirvir wrote:

Aha, that did it! Dumped properly and the game installed from the iso without problems. Thank you so much Lugamo smile

You're welcome. It's great to know it worked.

10 2024-11-24 12:01:58

Not sure why it didn't work with CloneCD, but the ranges are indeed similar to my dump.
582160-602479 vs 589712-610143 in your case.
After doing that and confirm that it works, you can always try again with CDArchive to get some sectors from the latest one, so from 610143 in reverse.
As i said before, you probably won't get that much, if anything at all.
As long as the game is tested and can run from the iso file, there's not much else we can do right now. All the ring protection dumps are kind of "best effort" result.

Plextor: PX-W4012TU, PX-W5224TA, Premium, PX-716SA, PX-760A || LG GDR-8164B || Lite-On SOHD-167D
HP (Toshiba/Samsung): TS-H353A - Kreon FW || HP (Hitachi/LG): BH40N - crossflashed with LG BH16NS40 FW || Sony Optiarc AD-7280S