1 2024-09-30 22:45:21

Good night.
Let me introduce myself, I'm De Moya, and I'm new to Redump.
I have spoken with my Spanish colleagues AlMagno and Diego to get started in the dumping process.
I have a collection of more than 3,500 physical games, of which 2,400 are PS2.
In some cases, I have some discs (Demos) that have not been dumped, so as soon as I finish doing the review of PS2 dumps that I am doing to prepare a list of necessary dumps and confirmations within PS2, I will get to dump like crazy.
But I have a series of doubts.
In my collection I have several Russian Bootlegs, which were created with industrial machinery, despite not being official Sony products.
I have seen that several programs and discs that are not official, and that are modifications of original Sony software, such as Cheats Discs, have been included in the PS Software lists.
My question is: In cases of having an industrial, Russian bootleg (not a pirated copy recorded at home)
Do I dump these games? Will they be accepted? What are the criteria for these cases?

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your responses.

2 2024-09-30 23:48:09 (edited by user7 2024-11-11 08:49:58)

Hi DeMoya, welcome.

Cheat discs are classified as "unlicensed" and are allowed to be added to Redump. Action Replay is a popular series for example that we have many dumps for. These tend to be indigo bottom discs (for ps2). Some  Black Bottom PS2 cheat discs have more complicated protection that Redump does not support (but worth a try dumping anyway). I don't know of any Russian produced PS2 cheat discs, but examples for PS1 are Game Guru and Vzlomschik Kodov 9000.

Russian pressed unofficial discs fall into multiple categories.
-First off, if it's an unofficial repress of a retail game, it is not eligible.
-If it's an unofficial port or a game not originally released on PS2 it is eligible, example http://redump.org/disc/30402/
-If it is a beta build with no other known origin, it is eligible for Redump.

If you have any doubt for specific titles please post them on the Dumps forums with pics or scans and we can look into it.

Thank you and glad to see you have some nice rarities to dump!! Looking forward to the cheat discs & demos.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

3 2024-10-01 09:56:48 (edited by DeMoya 2024-10-01 09:58:31)

One of the cases that I have found is this GLADIATOR, which has a Russian translation that never existed licensed from Sony.
As the details show, it is a disk created with machinery and with rigcodes with its barcodes, and that was distributed as an "original" product (Original according to Russian legislation)
I have informed myself about it and a studio called KUDOS that was dedicated to making this type of translations industrially from 2000 to 2004.
From 2004 to 2014 he began working for SEGA and tried to eliminate all traces of these translations.









One of the curiosities of these editions is that the covers have better paper quality than the original Sony ones, and that they are double.
On one side they are in Russian, and on the other in English

4 2024-10-01 17:04:00

Unauthorized translations do not qualify for Redump, but I encourage you to dump / scan and upload to archive.org

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

5 2024-10-02 17:17:49

Ok. Thanks.