1 2010-01-24 12:27:35

Hi guys,

I was having a look today at my old box of Playstation stuff and thought I may as well check to see if redump was missing any of them. Turns out I have 6 discs that aren't on the list. Now I only just signed up here, having found my box a few days ago (I've been having a lot of fun since), so I was wondering what information you need from me, and how exactly I go about getting it.

The discs I have are:
SCES-01565 - The X-Files (Disc 1)
SCES-11565 - The X-Files (Disc 2)
SCES-21565 - The X-Files (Disc 3)
SCES-31565 - The X-Files (Disc 4)
SLES-01876 - Need for Speed: High Stakes
SCED-00936 - Registered User Demo 02

Now I haven't had a chance to try them yet so I'm not to sure if they are in good condition or not (the demo disc is at least 12 years old). But any advice on how to get the information I need and then how to submit it would be great.

(Hopefully all of this info isn't hiding right under my nose and hopefully I haven't wasted your time)


2 2010-01-24 13:09:11

Use the other's forum posts as templates, like http://forum.redump.org/topic/5673/adde … tdown-usa/