1 2010-01-01 13:04:23 (edited by RiMMER 2010-01-01 13:09:32)

Hello there, everyone!

Everytime I dump a GC disc on my WII, it's simply messed up. If I'm not mistaken, the dumps is 99% correct, only like the first 1% is kinda not good, something around boot sectors maybe? Those are always different when I compare the dump to a redump verified dump ...

Have anyone gotten to something like this? Can anyone explain it? Or is my WII simply messed up and I should buy a new one ?

EDIT: And hey, maybe it'd be great if someone wrote a GC games / WII dumping guide ? Or am I to understand that the sticky one in this forum is the best we can get? :>

2 2010-01-01 16:16:25

have you read the guide properly?

3. If you have cIOS v1.4 or v1.5 uninstall it with the unistaller and then install v1.3b to have a clean system. Don't use IOS249 v1.4 or v1.5 because it has a bug which cannot read last sector of first layer of Wii dvds (not confirmed: please beware some modchips cannot retrieve right dumps of Wii dvds even with v1.3b or lower)

it appears that you have the above mentioned problem... is your Wii modded?
i use superdump and haven't had any problems with it... so glad i could finally pack away my gc broadband adapter and phantasy star online as super dump is way faster

if i was you i'd try uninstalling cIOS 1.4 or 1.5 and then installing 1.3b, according to the guide that should fix the problem...
note: just to be on the safe side, i suggest you install bootmii as boot2 and dump your NAND before you do anything

3 2010-01-01 16:17:29

Do you dump by WiFi or by USB ?

I never tried to dump from my Wii because I have my GameCube modded, but I'll try this tomorrow in order to check if the Wii is less stable than the GameCube or not when dumping!

I'm so sorry for my ugly English!

4 2010-01-01 20:59:58

I think the sticky guide is the best you can get around  cool , the only thing omissed is "how to softmode your Wii" (I don't add this stuff because it can be found in every Wii hacking website and because I'd have to add some files that could be considered illegal).
At 99,99% your problem is what was quoted by Pikmin.

My patch requests thread

5 2010-01-02 16:22:58

3. If you have cIOS v1.4 or v1.5 uninstall it with the unistaller and then install v1.3b to have a clean system

You don't need to do that, just overwrite the currently installed cIOS with 13b (not 1.x). Never delete any IOS, always overwrite them, it's a lot safer.
After you dump, you can go back to rev 14, 15 or 16.

6 2010-01-02 16:28:49

ssjkakaroto wrote:

3. If you have cIOS v1.4 or v1.5 uninstall it with the unistaller and then install v1.3b to have a clean system

You don't need to do that, just overwrite the currently installed cIOS with 13b (not 1.x). Never delete any IOS, always overwrite them, it's a lot safer.
After you dump, you can go back to rev 14, 15 or 16.

That's wrong. I know you can make mistakes unistalling iOS, but many people had problems downgrading iOS without disinstalling old one.

My patch requests thread

7 2010-01-03 22:13:33 (edited by ssjkakaroto 2010-01-03 22:15:09)

Who said anything about downgrading a IOS? Read carefully.
I was talking about downgrading a cIOS, which is completely different.
There may be cases where after uninstalling the cIOS you'd have to softmod your Wii all over again since you wouldn't have a hacked IOS to install stuff. So it's not recommended to do that.
But even if you want to "clean" your Wii (e.g. when you have CIOSCORP installed) it's always recommended to overwrite the IOS's (with non stub versions, of course), uninstalling some IOS's could lead to a really bad brick.

8 2010-01-04 00:47:49

I meant cIOS38 (IOS249), I never read about any wii brick problem on downgrading this IOS (there's a tool in the package in my guide). You can only brick your wii if you install cIOS38 with a clean IOS36 or maybe if you install it using a different IOS than 36, but this could happen even if you overwrite it.
Moreover installing cIOS38 is the last step you have to do for a standard mod, so what can be affected?

Steps for a Wii mod :

1) Installing BootMii + HBC
2) Backup Nand
3) Downgrade IOS15
4) Patching IOS36
5) Installing cIOS38 (+ preloader if you cannot install BootMii as boot2)

Everything else is not needed.

I don't know if you can get problems if you have a lot of shit installed after cIOS38, like CIOSCORP or other HB IOS, but these are not recommanded in most of places. Those IOS aren't necessary for dumping and are not reported in any modding guide.
Maybe you meant downgrading official IOSes and System Menu? This is clearly very dangerous!

My patch requests thread

9 2010-01-04 03:18:32

I meant cIOS38 (IOS249), I never read about any wii brick problem on downgrading this IOS

Of course not, that's exactly what I said in my previous post. Install cIOS rev 13b (IOS 249) over the currently installed cIOS rev 14/15/16 (also IOS 249). After you dump the game just reinstall cIOS 14/15/16 (IOS 249) over the currently installed cIOS rev 13b. There won't be any brick with this procedure and you won't need to uninstall anything.

You can only brick your wii if you install cIOS38 with a clean IOS36 or maybe if you install it using a different IOS than 36, but this could happen even if you overwrite it.

LOL, you won't be even able to install the cIOS if you don't have a vulnerable IOS. That's exactly why you use TBR.

Rocknroms, by what you wrote, I think you understand what I posted earlier (install a cIOS over another one). You probably just didn't read it correctly wink

10 2010-01-04 16:53:08

I understood what you wrote in first post, but as I said it's better to delete cIOS (rev. 14/15/16 **) and then install rev.13b. Again, it cannot damage anything in your system (even if you got a brick, which never happened as long as I know, you can still start wii via bootmii or preloader and fix everything), but some people have problems with superdump and a downgrading cIOS (for example I had problem the first time). So, as I never hear about bricking for unistalling and reistalling cIOS, I don't understand the real meaning of your first post. If you have prooves that a cIOS uninstall will brick your wii, please post them and I'll edit the guide.

** I didn't test yet the new rev.16.

My patch requests thread

11 2010-01-04 19:10:54

This is what you said:

I know you can make mistakes unistalling iOS, but many people had problems downgrading iOS without disinstalling old one.

There is absolutely NO problem to downgrade a cIOS, you probably did something awfully wrong for that to happen.

So, as I never hear about bricking for unistalling and reistalling cIOS, I don't understand the real meaning of your first post

I never said anything about a brick for unistalling and reistalling cIOS. You're misunderstanding. Waninkoko's cIOS installs as IOS 249, which is currently not in use by the Wii, so you can mess around with it without problems. The brick comes if you do something wrong with regular IOS (note that there's no c there) (e.g. IOS 61, 70)

but as I said it's better to delete cIOS (rev. 14/15/16 **) and then install rev.13b. Again, it cannot damage anything in your system (even if you got a brick, which never happened as long as I know, you can still start wii via bootmii or preloader and fix everything), but some people have problems with superdump and a downgrading cIOS (for example I had problem the first time).

It's not better. It won't damage your Wii, but if for some reason someone that had cIOS (as IOS 249) and after that updated the Wii's regular IOS's and did not leave a vulnerable IOS besides the cIOS, that person would have to run TBR again if he/she uninstalled the cIOS. This isn't a brick, just a unnecessary annoyance, that could have been avoided if the person had just overwritten the cIOS with the previous version. This scenario might not happen to many people, but it is possible.

but many people had problems downgrading iOS without disinstalling old one.

What problems? Seriously. This was the first time I heard this. What cIOS did you have before you installed rev 13b.
I've done this procedure tons of times with all revisions of Waninkoko's cIOS's without a single problem.
If you're talking about the 99% issue with Superdump, this has got nothing to do with installing an older version over a newer one. This happens with all versions of cIOS. You can ask kiczek about it.

12 2010-01-04 20:32:27

I repeat again with other words, some people still get the 99% error after downgrading cIOS but they solved it unistalling rev 14/15 and then reinstalling rev 13b. It takes a minute so it's not even a loss of time.

It's not better. It won't damage your Wii, but if for some reason someone that had cIOS (as IOS 249) and after that updated the Wii's regular IOS's and did not leave a vulnerable IOS besides the cIOS, that person would have to run TBR again if he/she uninstalled the cIOS. This isn't a brick, just a unnecessary annoyance, that could have been avoided if the person had just overwritten the cIOS with the previous version. This scenario might not happen to many people, but it is possible.

This has nothing to do with our job and anyway it doesn't change if you downgrade or unistall/install because cIOS installation doesn't tauch IOS15 and IOS36. When you uninstall then you install again and please let me know how many people will update SM or other IOS within this operations, probably someone who has lost completely control of his brain.

I wrote (reported by Pikmin) this in the guide

3. If you have cIOS v1.4 or v1.5 uninstall it with the unistaller and then install v1.3b to have a clean system.

You wrote this

You don't need to do that, just overwrite the currently installed cIOS with 13b (not 1.x). Never delete any IOS, always overwrite them, it's a lot safer.

But even if you want to "clean" your Wii (e.g. when you have CIOSCORP installed) it's always recommended to overwrite the IOS's (with non stub versions, of course), uninstalling some IOS's could lead to a really bad brick.

This has nothing to do with cIOS, so this is why I don't understand the meaning of those posts. I never said to uninstall other IOS but cIOS (when I wrote IOS in post #6 I mean cIOS and I tought you meant the same with IOS in the previous one #5).

My patch requests thread

13 2010-01-04 20:57:14

Just don't fight, guys, please! I just asked a question and I sure appreciate your kind of help and everything, but I wouldn't like to be a cause of a quarrel.

14 2010-01-04 23:00:48 (edited by ssjkakaroto 2010-01-05 02:22:20)

I repeat again with other words, some people still get the 99% error after downgrading cIOS but they solved it unistalling rev 14/15 and then reinstalling rev 13b.

This is completely FUD. The error occurs with any cIOS and is not consistent. It doesn't matter if you uninstalled or overwrote it.

If you think everyone needs to keep the hacked/vulnerable IOS for all eternity without updating, even though they already got cIOS, then your/Pikmin guide is probably right.

15 2010-01-04 23:38:28

Sorry ssjkakaroto, what are you talking about??? I suppose you haven't read the guide.

I think this discussion is completely void, by the way...
When I talk about 99% error I mean when you get "error reading sector data" and not a 99% good dump that you can get also with rev 13b (probably because of a screen refresh bug or something).
And who ever said you must not update again cIOS after you have finished dumping? If you need you can do it, but this has nothing to do with dumping discs.
In the guide I simply say that it's better to unistall cIOS (rev 14/15) and install cIOS rev 13b and you even have to exit HBC to do that if I remember well. The guide it's here since a month and I don't read any word about other IOS but cIOS, do you? Even kikzek haven't told me anything as you can read.

Rimmer, have you solved the problem?

My patch requests thread

16 2010-01-05 02:29:23 (edited by ssjkakaroto 2010-01-05 02:38:07)

The problem is this Rocknroms:

I repeat again with other words, some people still get the 99% error after downgrading cIOS but they solved it unistalling rev 14/15 and then reinstalling rev 13b.

Where the hell did you come up with this? It makes absolutely no sense. The error must have come from something else, not the cIOS.

The procedure
(Wii with cIOS 14/15/16) -> (Install cIOS 13b) -> (Dump the game with Superdump)
cannot lead to different results than
(Wii with cIOS 14/15/16) -> (Uninstall cIOS 14/15/16) -> (Install cIOS 13b) -> (Dump the game with Superdump)

17 2010-01-05 03:44:42

Where the hell did you come up with this?

In the same forums (gbatemp, wiihacks, etc.) and discussions where I saw you wrote too. People had problems also with other application, not only superdump, downgrading cIOS without unistalling old version and solved those problems this way. It's not the same thing, by the way I cannot assert it's not cIOS unless prooved so to avoid this point I recommended to uninstall/install...

Let's say it's the same thing, so what's all those other words over about? Did you understand that this discussion (not Rimmer's problem) is void?

My patch requests thread

18 2010-01-05 12:21:49

I just looked at the 15 pages of the Superdump thread in gbatemp (which was the only one that I posted).
http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic= … =superdump
Noone talks about uninstalling the cIOS, people that had the 99% error, the one you talk about, said the problem was with their modchip (page 7).
On the last page there is someone that get the error again, but he doesn't even know if he is actually using rev13b, he doesn't say if he has a modchip and he doesn't say he solved it.
All the others that report the 99% error are talking about the refresh problem.
Some other people get and error reading from their USB devices, which is solved in a completely different way.

Now Rimmer said

If I'm not mistaken, the dumps is 99% correct, only like the first 1% is kinda not good, something around boot sectors maybe?

He didn't say he got any error in Superdump, also the bad sector are at the beginning of the disc, not the end, which looks like a completely new error.
He needs to provide a more detailed report of what exactly he is doing and if he has a modchip.

Again, where did you come with this uninstall/install thing?

19 2010-01-05 14:09:24

ssjkakaroto wrote:

He didn't say he got any error in Superdump, also the bad sector are at the beginning of the disc, not the end, which looks like a completely new error.
He needs to provide a more detailed report of what exactly he is doing and if he has a modchip.

This is the only issue I will reply in this thread.
I don't waste other time repeating the same words till the end of time.

My patch requests thread