1 2009-11-11 12:03:52

Hello to all the community.

Quick question, is it possible to rebuild full [redump.org] PSP datset with CMP/RM from [ADVANsCEne No. Order] releases (0000-1900?), or are there from another different source?

Not asking for rom/isos issues/sites, just if it's possible to rebuild from that source.

Thanks in advance.

Plextor PX-760SA 1.07

2 2009-11-11 17:12:14

Probably many discs will match but many will need patching.

3 2009-11-11 18:15:06

Thanks, I guess I'll go with that source, as I can't find another one big_smile

I'll let you know how many missing sets are there in total after the rebuilding in some days.

Plextor PX-760SA 1.07