1 2009-10-28 01:55:34

I'm redumping a load of PAL GC games that are already in the database and either the entry for Donkey Konga is spectacularly wrong (unlikely) or I have a different version of the game.

The thing is, the old trick of looking at offset 0x07 to find the version number gives me v1.00 - in fact I have the same first 0x2F bytes as the entry in the database. Even the serial on the disc is the same, the ring is different though. Also notice the lack of Dutch language in my dump (I've tested it and selecting Dutch gives me English).

So, is there a more accurate method for getting the version number of a GC/Wii game? Is this just a non-Dutch version?

Here's the dump info (differences from the DB entry are in red):

Region: Europe
Languages: En,Fr,De,Es,It
Ring: IFPI LQ11 104H0303 DOL-GKGP-0-00 JPN S0
Barcode: 045496961299 (UK)
Version 1.00
Edition: Original
Size: 1459978240
CRC-32: 16342fb3
MD5: 7d302c00610d347b56cd4ac7d0a03c48
SHA-1: bf94c187ad0a57d4339885e218a302365d4a453a
ed2k: af9ee2c2431991ae8fb69e007a3ad49e
DOL MD5: 2c90dd01cfe2a68d3dd227afd63b6acd

2 2009-10-28 02:53:32

hmm, for version: the 7th byte in the header or check the ring for it -> GKGP-0-00, by the way the first -0 is disc number (0=1, 1=2, ...)

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

3 2009-10-28 04:18:01

There are a lot of GC dumps with wrong langauges, here's an example: http://redump.org/disc/1419/

Rocknroms, since you are making or updating the GC dumping guide, don't forget to mention that the dumper should check the languages by changing the bios to the various languages.

"Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?"

4 2009-10-28 14:16:58

Interesting, I suppose only one post makes that dump more suspicious. Has anyone got the scene release checksums? My sources tell me that it's called Donkey_Konga_PAL_NGC-MRN - I'd guess the scene checksums will match one of our dumps.

5 2009-10-28 14:57:21

I would think the IFPI part of the ring would at least be the same. Often times those letters are smaller then the rest of the text but they are found on nearly all pressed discs. You could always try and wipe your image to see if it matches and if it does then that other person's dump needs to go...or just be replaced with your dump.

6 2009-10-28 19:27:42

I was thinking that entry was bad since the day it was added. Simply a suspect I have, probably dumped with bad tools.

My patch requests thread

7 2009-10-30 02:54:37

I was thinking maybe venyxal added a scrubbed version but the dol MD5 would be the same then. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't some other version of the game with Dutch language included but I wouldn't expect 2 different Euro versions from Nintendo.

8 2009-10-30 16:13:13

The DOL MD5 would be the same unless he used that tool that lets you browse the files in the image (I forgot what the name of it was) since that tool gives an incorrect checksum for the DOL.

9 2009-10-30 22:01:18 (edited by Pikmin 2009-10-31 11:29:38)

RetroGamer wrote:

Rocknroms, since you are making or updating the GC dumping guide, don't forget to mention that the dumper should check the languages by changing the bios to the various languages.

This actually answers my question, Thanks
So, the only way to be sure is to actually go the long way and change the language in bios...
Was hoping i could use Gamecube Explorer and get the info by changing the banner language but i guess since no one mentioned anything, GCE mightn't be reliable...

10 2009-10-31 10:24:08

If the game works in Dolphin it is faster to change the language in the emulator than on the real console. smile

Btw, the same applies to PS2 games aswell, there are many that have set english only but which are actually multi language smile

11 2009-10-31 11:26:20

Yeah, i've done that with Burnout 2 smile

Have to say, Dolphin's progressing pretty well, nice to see Fire Emblem is fully playable minus the FMV audio
RE Zero is the same... The only thing with all RE games is that the save files are so sensitive, most larger 3rd party and official 1019 don't work well at all (save files keep getting corrupted) hmm

12 2009-11-07 01:48:40 (edited by ps2gamer2k7 2009-11-07 01:50:56)

ok my 2p worth of info:

The mrn release is 16342FB3 i always suspected this was a bad dump as mrn are 99% reliable on there dumps from my exp

and i know of one gc dutch lang included and that was spyro enter the dragonfly

am hoping to  test a lot of these for languages later so i will try to confirm a lot later main point atm is to get them all smile


There are a lot of GC dumps with wrong langauges, here's an example: http://redump.org/disc/1419/

yup i noticed this as am collecting all uk P serial games and nintendo dont put P Games on Fr-It only games


13 2009-11-22 05:54:04

did we ever reach a conclusion on this one ?


14 2009-11-24 00:32:27

I added doofus' dump as good one and marked as red (matrix) the old dump.

My patch requests thread