1 2009-10-21 03:40:51

Hi everyone,

I have over 60 of my own PAL dumps that i'm planning on comparing with the ones on the website.

From what i've read all i need is HashCalc to get the md5s of my dumps.

That all makes sense.

What might be a problem is that few of the games i had dumped were borrowed from a video store, so i don't have access to them anymore which means i won't be able to provide the gc disc id number

Would you be willing to accept them without this info?
For example I have an English PAL version of Summoner A Goddess Reborn but don't own the disc anymore

P.S. So far i've check 12 games and the md5s match for all of them

Thank you!

2 2009-10-23 19:23:51

It was already discussed in the past, it's not quite safe to add DVD dumps which cannot have a real comfirmation / disc infos.
IMO it could be discussed if those dumps are verifications, but also this is not safe.

My patch requests thread

3 2009-10-26 02:20:16

okay, that's good to know
