1 2009-10-14 21:48:44

There's something I'd like to find out about single data track unprotected PC CDs. Should the .bin extracted using the redump.org method (IsoBuster) be exactly the same to .bin generated by, say, CDRWin, or .img by CloneCD? By exactly the same I mean matching checksums.

2 2009-10-14 23:32:17

If they have the same format, then yes. (2352 bytes per sector)
Nero .nrg won't match, since it stores some metadata in the file. smile

3 2009-10-21 23:19:35

I once dumped a data track using CD Tool and it didn't match the one extracted with IsoBuster, but that's an exception as I disabled the drive's error correction in CD Tool. As long as the software used for dumping the data track does not disable the drive's error correction the checksums should match. And as Sotho Tal Ker said before: Be sure that the software produces a RAW and headerless dump, i.e. plain 2352 bytes per sector.