1 2009-08-25 18:39:11

Hi folks, this is my first post and I'm not sure if links are allowed to certain "dodgy" sites so I won't post any unless I'm given the OK. I've been looking into dumping Wii games and tried Waninkoko's DVD Dumper and WiiHTTPd. Both gave me incorrect checksums so I was looking for something else when I found a new Wii homebrew app called Superdump. This can dump a single layer Wii game to a FAT32 partitioned USB hard drive in less than 20 minutes, much better than the 2.5 hours or more that the WiFi dumpers take. It also supports GameCube games and dual layer Wii games - it only took 28 minutes to dump Brawl. So, here's a little guide to the process I'm using to dump games:

You need:

  • A Wii with Waninkoko's cIOS installed as IOS249. It turns out that the reason the other dumpers gave me incorrect checksums was that I was using rev14. There's a bug in it that makes it stop dumping at 99%, so I'm using rev13b now and it's fine.

  • A USB Hard drive (or memstick, SD card adaptor etc.) with a FAT or FAT32 partition of at least 5GB (8GB for Smash Bros. Brawl and, I assume, Metroid Prime Trilogy). I've got a 32GB FAT32 partition on mine with a second partition for USB Loaders.

  • Superdump 1.3, Google superdump wii and you'll find the thread where I found it. The link to v1.3's at the top of page 11.

Sometimes it fails to recognise my HDD in which case I just exit back to the homebrew channel and load my USB loader of choice (USB Loader GX). Then I just quit back to the HBC and try Superdump again.

Once the dump's finished, plug the HDD into a computer and piece together the ISO. Since it uses FAT32, it can't fit a whole DVD image in one file so you need to append the files it creates to get the whole iso. In Windows, just do: copy /B <part1> + <part2> ... <full path to destination .iso file>. So for example PAL Metroid Prime 3 would be:

copy /B RM3P01_0.bin + RM3P01_1.bin "E:\wii\Metroid Prime 3 - Corruption (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It).iso"

Hopefully this will be of help to the Wii dumpers out there, it's certainly a much, much faster way of doing it smile

2 2009-08-31 05:02:08

Superdump is great but there is an issue with NGC games with more than one disc in v1.3. The ID for the second disc has a smiley face at the end and the file cannot be created because of that. For those discs you have to use v1.2, which uses 0.bin, 1.bin, etc.

3 2009-11-02 03:58:01

this is great. installed it this morning and made a backup of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

can someone point me to a program that's similar to GC-Tool (Paradox)

ideally i'd like to be able to look at the files on the wii disc and be able to extract them

thanks in advance

4 2009-11-02 09:13:50

Dolphin emulator includes a filesystem viewer and the ability to extract files.

5 2009-11-02 09:16:07

cheers mate!

6 2009-11-07 18:09:00

i use HJSplit for joining files together nice n easy windows format (for those who hate dos)


7 2009-11-15 01:23:22

GDR8164b and friidump 4(for DVD-DL) or rawdump 2 are my prefer'd methods as my wii changes condition and ios daily.

my PC has ''all the time in the world''