1 2009-08-20 10:38:40

should Disc number be filled with 'A' and 'B' instead of '1' and '2', if that's how it's printed on media?
it's 0..3 instead of 1..4 for Enemy Zero after all

2 2009-08-20 14:48:59

themabus wrote:

should Disc number be filled with 'A' and 'B' instead of '1' and '2', if that's how it's printed on media?
it's 0..3 instead of 1..4 for Enemy Zero after all

I would try to see if the game itself would ask me for disc "B" or for disc "2" when swap is needed.
After all, we're dumping data/info (what the screen says) and not artwork...

P.S.: This is a good point to also talk about preserving covers-manuals here big_smile

3 2009-08-20 17:00:14

ok, thank you provato, this is a good thought imho

game in question is Dracula Detective for Saturn

it indeed also internally refers to CDs by letters

which curiously enough isn't the case with PSX version

4 2009-08-20 20:14:16

Disk number field is not custom, it's only numerical. "Disc A" or "Disc B" are disk names but adding them in the appropriate field will be redundant.
About Enemy Zero it's quite obvious that naming disc in a different way will make confusion (it's the only exception until now).

My patch requests thread

5 2009-08-20 20:16:14

<Handrie> New dump(s) http://redump.org/rss/recentdumps : [PC CD][NEW] test (Asia) (Disc A) <http://redump.org/disc/8539/>

so looks like it's not only numerical.

6 2009-08-20 20:31:05

F1ReB4LL wrote:

<Handrie> New dump(s) http://redump.org/rss/recentdumps : [PC CD][NEW] test (Asia) (Disc A) <http://redump.org/disc/8539/>

so looks like it's not only numerical.

So this disc is named wrong (disc name instead of disc number. I meant it's wrong not it's not possible), the field says "disc number" so it refers to progressive numbers.

My patch requests thread

7 2009-08-21 03:18:04

in TOSEC it's alike to what Rocknroms suggests:

The TOSEC Naming Convention v1 wrote:

* (Disk/File/Tape x of y Side A/B)
This field is used if the game spans more than one disk, or is comprised of
multiple files. When there are 9 or less disks, the format of (Disk 1 of 3)
is used. If there are 10 or more disks, then the entry needs to change to
(Disk 01 of 13) to maintain consistency. In cases where double sided tapes
or disks are involved, the "Side A/B" entry is also included.
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(File 1 of 2)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(File 2 of 2)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Side A)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Side B)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 01 of 11)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 08 of 11)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 10 of 11)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2 Side A)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2 Side B)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2 Side A)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2 Side B)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 1 of 2 Side A)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 1 of 2 Side B)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 2 of 2 Side A)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Tape 2 of 2 Side B)"

** NOTE: In cases where multi-file zips are used, the parent's zipname should
reflect the contents of the zip.
The files :
"Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2).bin"
"Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2).bin"
would be included in the zip called:
"Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)[2 Disks].zip"

* (disk label)
If the disk label is known, this field following the (Disk x of y) entry
should contain it. This is mainly used when save, program, install, or
other custom names might be requested by the game itself. (Disk 2 of 3) is
not useful by itself when the program asks you to "Insert Character Disk".
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 1 of 2)(Program)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2)(Data)"
Ex: "Legend of TOSEC, The (1986)(DevStudio)(US)(Disk 2 of 2)(Disk B)"

but it makes more sense there, since 1st field always denotes medium from a set - it has a different meanig
here it's only a counter: A, B, C or 0, 1, 2 or I, II, III can be a counters too
so in TOSEC also Enemy Zero would be with labels

(Disc 1)(Disc A) and (Disc 1)(Disc 0) overlap, but (Disc 1) does not express this situation fully, imho,
(Disc 1 of 2)(Disc A) would, as would (Disc A) <- not as complete as previous one though, but that's what we got
also it's the same with (Disc 1 of 4)(Disc 0) and (Disc 0), though 1st is more descriptive again, both are fine, imho

8 2009-08-22 13:23:55

"Disc 0 of 4" would look quite strange, but as we don't write total discs number to the filename, any custom numbering scheme can be used.

9 2009-08-22 13:54:10

I didn't suggest anything, I simply said that "Disc A", "Disc B", etc. are disc names / not disc numbers and I said that "adding them in the appropriate field will be redundant". So at least I suggest the opposite: - avoide tosec shitness -. It's quite obvious that Disc A is Disc 1 and so on.
Moreover tapes are not discs so you have to label "Side A" and "Side B", this are common names on every old tape.

My patch requests thread

10 2009-08-22 13:58:58

I'd vote for Disc A, Disc B, etc., but only when it's needed. If it's written on the CD - why not? smile

11 2009-08-22 14:13:04

F1ReB4LL wrote:

I'd vote for Disc A, Disc B, etc., but only when it's needed. If it's written on the CD - why not? smile

I agree if we have this situation:

Disc 1 ---> "Install Disc"
Disc 2 ---> "Disc A"
Disc 3 ---> "Disc B"

if they are only "Disc A" & "Disc B" it's good as themabus did adding it in the comment.

Moreover I would like to split game disc with bonus or omake that are labelled as disc #, this could be added in notes, for example:

Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan) (Disc 1) ---> Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan)

Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Omake CD) (Japan) (Disc 2) ---> Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Omake CD) (Japan)

This because sometimes they label them with numbers / letters and sometimes not: we have to choose a standard also because sometimes those discs are added wrongly (they may have a number but dumper doesn't care, or the opposite).

At all we need more fields to add infos that stay only in DB and not in dats.

My patch requests thread

12 2009-08-22 14:28:33

By the way, I think there's something wrong with the naming of the discs in the PC USA version of Final Fantasy VII. "Disc 1" is actually the install disc, and discs 2, 3 and 4 should be 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

13 2009-08-22 14:55:54

r09 wrote:

By the way, I think there's something wrong with the naming of the discs in the PC USA version of Final Fantasy VII. "Disc 1" is actually the install disc, and discs 2, 3 and 4 should be 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

This is one of the situation I said above, it could be renamed like this:

Final Fantasy VII (Install Disc)
Final Fantasy VII (Disc 1)
Final Fantasy VII (Disc 2)
Final Fantasy VII (Disc 3)

By the way we have to write down some standards to avoid future discussions about these matters.

My patch requests thread

14 2009-08-22 15:13:03

Rocknroms wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

I'd vote for Disc A, Disc B, etc., but only when it's needed. If it's written on the CD - why not? smile

I agree if we have this situation:

Disc 1 ---> "Install Disc"
Disc 2 ---> "Disc A"
Disc 3 ---> "Disc B"

if they are only "Disc A" & "Disc B" it's good as themabus did adding it in the comment.

IMO, CDs should be named either by header or by CD labels. Disc A, Disc B - by CD labels. You're basically offer to name them according to the header here, ok, but:

Rocknroms wrote:

Moreover I would like to split game disc with bonus or omake that are labelled as disc #, this could be added in notes, for example:

Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan) (Disc 1) ---> Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan)

Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Omake CD) (Japan) (Disc 2) ---> Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Omake CD) (Japan)

You contradict yourself here. This Omake CD has "CD2/2" in the header, so it acts as a 2nd CD.

15 2009-08-22 15:45:16

I was not contradicting if you read well, I said we have to find a standard for those discs (however all info has to be in DB).
In my opinion Disc 1,2,3 etc. should be added only for game discs, all bonus discs should be set apart even if they are labelled as Disc # or have CDn/n in header.
I give you another example: God of Wars II (USA) (Disc 1) (Disc 2) ---> Disc 2 is not a game disc and Euro release doesn't have it (probably also Jap, I have to open it to see), it can confuse people.

My patch requests thread

16 2009-08-22 16:07:35

I don't know about God of Wars II, but all the Saturn CDs have their CD/volume numbers in the header (except the audio and non-Saturn bonus ones). I don't like a standalone game cd entry, if it has "CD-1/2" in the header.

17 2009-08-22 16:42:55

First: The game is titled "God of War II"

Second: US version was released in 2-Discs-Pack, both discs are numbered

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

18 2009-08-22 19:05:56

Third: it's quite obvious I mistook title and that I've said the same about US release but that disc 2 is not a game disc (or it's a game disc?)

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