1 2023-03-03 22:09:55

GordonJ here developer of RomVault.

I am asking if it would be possible to add the diskID number used in the Redump URL to the DATs output.
For example game:


Could the DAT output for this be:

    <game name="Scavenger 4 (Japan)" id="11109">

adding in the id="11109"  this would enable some nice new features in RomVault such as RomVault UI linking directly back to the redump page for that dump and opening it in a browser, so that the full info can be view by the RomVault User.

Thanks in advance.


2 2023-03-03 22:44:59

No, it's not possible.
Staff don't have access of that level to the site and the dats.
Only iRobot would be able to do that and he only appears once a year if that.

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