1 2009-06-18 02:06:19

Since redump uses the title screen names to list games, I'm checking through my collection to compare the names in the database to their title screens. I'm up to 'B' so far and have found several games whose name's in the databse don't match their title screens. If anyone wants to fix them . . .

'Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.' http://redump.org/disc/1851/ should be 'Armorines'

'Activision Classics'  http://redump.org/disc/7168/ should be 'Activision Classics: A Collection of 30 Games for the Atari 2600'

'Apocalypse' http://redump.org/disc/768/ should be 'Plague Beast Death War Apocalypse'

'Barbie: Gotta Have Games'  http://redump.org/disc/7190/ should be 'Gotta Have Games'

'Backstreet Billiards' http://redump.org/disc/6488/ should maybe be 'Backstreet BB Billiards' or 'BB: Backstreet Billiards'

2 2009-06-18 03:52:12

I think this is going to the extreme of only using the title from the game's menu. Remember there are even games that don't show any title on the menu and what you are having us add and take away completely changes the games title in a way it doesn't need to be changed.

After looking around a bit I would have to say the only game I'm going to have to agree on the name change here is Activision Classics as a quick google search shows the title for that game as 'A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600' which is also what seems to be on the actual disc cover so I'm wondering how it got so simplified.

http://www.mobygames.com/game/playstati … erId,5910/

I'm going to leave the name change for this game up to others though.

Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.:
This title is listed on the cover of all versions of this game and this title is used for every site that mentions it so I think the current title is fine

The words above the title on the menu do not appear to be part of the title. Instead they seem to be words to describe the concept of the game.

Barbie: Gotta Have Games:
Just like Armorines this title is on the cover and is listed on every site that mentions is. Besides you do want to know this is a Barbie game beforehand right?

Backstreet Billiards:
The BB on the 8 ball appears to be more of a fancy logo rather then being part of the title.

3 2009-06-18 03:58:07

I fully agree Haldrie smile

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

4 2009-06-18 04:55:02

Most likely as "Activision Classics" is the title on the spine.

5 2009-06-18 07:29:10

I actually agree with Haldrie, and don't think title screens should be used as a verbatim name source, but I thought that was redump's policy. I have a proposal: how about we give the name in Sony's Official Playstation Game List precedence over title screen names? Not all games are listed there, but I seriously doubt Sony got the names that are there wrong or incomplete.

Barbie: Gotta Have Games
http://www.us.playstation.com/PSone/Gam … Have_Games

Armorines: Project Swarm
http://www.us.playstation.com/PSone/Gam … ject_Swarm

Wild Arms 2


Backstreet Billiards
http://www.us.playstation.com/PSone/Gam … _Billiards

Metal Slug X

6 2009-06-18 11:35:56

afaik Dremora is working on completely new db
in it all titles will relate to game not CDs directly, and it will be possible to have any number of titles
(like in imdb, animenewsnetwork or vgrebirth)
i.e. 'Mega Man' and 'Rockman' will define same game
the same for 'Wild Arms 2' and 'WA: 2nd Ignition'
one will be main, but queries on rest will return results too
it will make more sense then
not worth to change anything now, imho

7 2009-06-18 21:03:35

That sounds like an improvement for the names listed in the online database, but it's the names in the dat file that worry me. Those names will trickle out into the general population even if they're wrong and there doesn't seem to be any accurate method for determining a game's name here.

I live in the US and I've been a PSX collector almost since the system came to America. I buy sell and trade games all the time and I handle and talk about games with other collectors regularly. I know what most PSX games are commonly called here and that's almost always the name on the spine. People only tack on something extra (ie A Collection of 30 Games for the Atari 2600) if there are two titles that can be easily confused.

Maybe people don't know, but Playstation spines in the US are extremely standardized. They have the name and the disk's serial# on a black background. They don't have a bunch or art work or logo's like games for other systems or regions do.

Wild Arms 2 is NOT called Wild Arms 2nd Ignition by anyone in the US because that's not its name here. I have serious misgivings about participating in any database that lets a name like that stand; it's like a dictionary that gives the wrong definitions. That's worse than no dictionary at all.

'Activision Classics' is that game's real and full name as seen on the game's package and the maker's (Activision) web site:
http://web.archive.org/web/200008152351 … llivision/
http://www.mobygames.com/game/playstati … rId,13289/

'Wild Arms 2' is that game's real and full name as seen the games package and the maker's (Sony) web site:
http://www.mobygames.com/game/playstati … Id,132013/

Why are we calling them a name that their makers don't? I REALLY belive that all PSX (NTSC at least) games should be named exactly what is on the spine. At very least, the names should begin with exactly what's on the spinecard.