1 2009-06-14 02:02:52 (edited by OmniouS 2009-06-14 02:07:08)

Hey guys, a while ago there was an argument regarding the naming of the James Bond PlayStation 2 games. The winning argument which resulted in all games being prefixed with '007' was basically that this was the way that they appeared on the front of the covers/discs.

The counter argument (James Bond 007:) was that the games should be named using the official names as given by the publishers / The names on the spines of the covers because that is how they would be seen if catalogued in a library for example.

This wasn't mentioned before, but on the Platinum discs, the names all start with 'James Bond 007' eg http://tinyurl.com/ps2bond

There was a reasonable amount of discussion on the wikipedia pages re these games and it was decided that the games should all be prefixed with 'James Bond 007'. This is of course irrelevant to whatever is decided here but it helps to show that others belive that the official names should have this prefix.

I would like a poll/discussion to be started that accepts input from everyone, not just moderators.

It is my and a few others' opinion that the 007 titles be removed and replaced with these:

James Bond 007 - Nightfire

James Bond 007 - Everything or Nothing

James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire ('James Bond 007 - Agent Under Fire' would be acceptable to keep the names consistant or to remove any issues with more dots in the file names.)

James Bond 007 - Alles Oder Nichts

From Russia with Love (even though the official name comes without the prefix of the other games, 'James Bond 007 - From Russia with Love would be acceptable to keep the naming consistant.)

2 2009-06-14 02:36:43 (edited by kiczek 2009-06-14 02:39:27)

I know of several games where the title screen / disk art does not even say James Bond.... when you see 007 you know wtf it is the James Bond is just extra and looks like crap

for example

has both titles and looks like ass in the game list because of it

Collecting USA Wii and NGC

3 2009-06-17 07:27:32 (edited by HwitVlf 2009-06-17 07:27:48)

I think I'm in the minority but my opinion is- list them by the name on the spine card because I believe that's the full 'legal' name. If I understand you correctly, that's 'James Bond 007' in this case. 

I don't think it's too bad if a 'subtitle' is added to the end, but I really think it's a bad idea to tack something onto the beginning of a name thus changing its alphabetical order- just makes it a bloody pain to find in the list and alienates the database from the rest of the world.

Also, using title screens to name games can NOT be standardized because there's often tons of extra 'junk words' on those screens. Using the spine card name is easily standardized and invariable. Even if the spine name is not what people commonly call a game, at least it people will know how it works.

There are a lot of game 'sets' that are separated because names were changed in different regions; I don't think every James Bond game should have '007' at the beginning just to keep them together alphabetically.