1 2009-05-23 16:54:46 (edited by pepsidrinker 2009-05-23 17:03:59)

I have this game and I was trying to find more about it, I got it bundled a long time a go with a graphic card anything I look at for MDK doesn't have "Mission Laguna Beach" does anyone know if this is the complete MDK 1 or a demo of it? The size of the ISO is 41.0MB

EDIT: finding a thread on the Gamespot forum

I have Mission Laguna Beach, it's for the PC only. It's a promo for MDK that came with some Matrox graphics card. It says on the disk:

Bundled Software

Not to be sold separately from approved Matrox m3D hardware containing the PowerVR(tm) chopset. Separate sale is a violation of copyright laws.

Mission Laguna Beach is a short promo with levels that do not appear in the original game. And I mean short, it's finished in about an hour. The game is designed to ONLY work with Matrox drivers so I can't play it again. It just gives DLL errors when I try to run it on my computer.

My cd says Diamond 3D hardware but anyways, should I add this or what?

EDIT 2: Unlike the guy I posted mine works fine on a XP machine and I know it don't have Diamond Viper V330 as it's graphic card.

2 2009-05-23 21:46:37

ok as you will see I added the game,


under demo catergory, limited edition as edition and what it was bundled with in comment.  in the read me they called it limited Edition

MDK: Mission Laguna Beach(tm) Version
This version of MDK is a limited version. The full product has many
more levels, weapons, and enemies for you to experience. See your
local retailer for this and other great Shiny, Playmates, and
Interplay products.

3 2009-05-23 22:47:56

It is a full version not a demo, and edition should be "Viper V330"


PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

4 2009-05-23 23:25:51 (edited by pepsidrinker 2009-05-23 23:37:17)

Eh, I just changed it to how you said.

EDIT: should I add that CD-C95-329-DIA or 75000170-001 to serial or anything?

EDIT 2: Just to understand your reasoning...

It's a full version because the original MDK doesn't have those maps in it and a demo would contain maps that the original MDK had? As the read me said it's a limited version.