1 2022-01-21 17:46:12

http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … ping_Guide

Im sorry but this is a No from me. I just wanted to dump quickly a DVD and this guide... Im just lost in it. You can't expect random users to dump these discs like this.

Javidelarosa and I wanted to push a PC project for Spain so we could add PC stuff from Spain. We wanted to fund a movement so a lot of people could help quickly.

However, a good bunch of discs coming from an important PC spanish publisher came with this thing on the disc... And following this standard... I've tolerated a lot of methods but this is the red line.

I just don't manage to understand how DVDs must be dumped. I apreciate a lot the efforts to provide info and this CDArchive app but, i just wanted to dump a DVD and I got lost trying to understand what this guides wants you to do.

And of course, buying more writers and more writers and more writers...

Im waiting for Claunia to tell me how Aaru is going to manage this, but i have to accept that i want to encourage productivity rather than "pure archive preservation".

2 2022-01-21 19:55:50 (edited by user7 2022-01-21 19:56:22)

Having wrote most of the guides on the wiki, the only way to get it done is this:

1. Find someone that knows how to dump the particular disc.

2. Have them walk you through it step by step as you're testing it. Document every step as you're doing this into V1 of the guide.

3. Do it again by yourself a week or two later following only your guide. This will help you figure out what is confusing. Improve it.

4. Go back and clean up your guide / clarify. Try to be succinct, not overly wordy, but detailed still (also known as "editing").

At the end of the day, it might not be practical to expect your average random user to be able to dumped rings discs.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

3 2022-01-24 00:30:10

I'm the author of this CDArchive tool and I can suggest few explanations to the wiki page:
extroverread - this parameter is used to specify how many extra sectors should the drive read before starting to read ring range. For example if your ring range is LBA 1000 - 2000 and you specify extroverread = 100, the drive will start reading at sector 900. The reason for this is that sometimes the drive goes haywire when you read these ring ranges and it's to recover the drive into valid state (also the bigger the overread the faster the discs can spin when it 'sees' the ring).

extrskip - this parameter is used to describe the amount of sectors which are impossible to read before giving up with the range. For example if your ring range is LBA 1000 - 2000 and you specify extrskip = 10, the tool will stop reading the range at sector 2010. But if the drive successed reading sector 2009, the tool will reset the counter and stop reading at 2019.

Hope it's clear now. The tool makes it easy to use any drive for reading rings. The problem is that Plextors are not very good at this...

4 2022-01-24 00:42:08 (edited by NovaAurora 2022-01-24 00:42:53)

Just now noticing this thread

Ring discs are for advanced users, and if you're not willing to dump them I understand. Unfortunately this is the best method to dump these discs.  If you're unwilling I recommend avoiding these discs or sending them off to a friend that's willing to.

Plextors unfortunately are terrible at reading into these rings, and the SOHD listed is the current best known drive to do so.

If you want someone to guide you through it I recommend talking to Jackal -- he helped me with my few discs as they're not common in the states.


Reentrant: Thanks for the explanation on those, I'll add that to the wiki soon.

Digital Archivist / VTuber / Purple Cat
☆ ☆ ☆ PX-W4012TA ☆ PX-716A ☆ GGC-H20L ☆ BW-16D1HT ☆ ☆ ☆
Wii ☆ Wii U ☆ PSP 3K ☆ SOHD-167T ☆ Pioneer 209DBK ☆ TS-H352C

5 2022-01-24 11:08:40 (edited by TonyLizard 2022-01-24 12:05:02)

It's not an easy thing to do, simple as that. We can explain it better, we can put screenshots or whatever, but the problem is that you will never find an easy method to dump a disc with physical protection. The method described is already tested multiple times and working. The SOHD drive was tested multiple times in comparison with other CD drives and it's proven to be the best that we know at the moment with LaserLock and ringed discs in general. Me and LoStraniero have dumped tons of FX Interactive games and we know that the method explained is reliable, thanks to the help of the tool from reentrant.
To be honest it doesn't look like the guide is too much hard to follow.
1) do a broken dump with DIC to get the offset, PVD and all that shit
2) dump with CloneCD, it takes three hours or more
3) save the CloneCD logs, sector 1000-3000 were skipped (for example)
4) use the CDArchive command with backwards reading as explained, from sector 3002 backwards
5) repeat the process if needed until you see that your drive won't read anything anymore
6) use again the CDArchive command with reading front (from sector 998)
7) repeat the process if needed until you see that your drive won't read anything anymore
8) merge all the data obtained to get a complete image
9) fix errors with CDMage
10) submit
And also, DVDs are already working without any new drive. You can even use a cheap laptop drive. Just do a dump with CloneCD and then check if you can read some sectors backwards after the CloneCD dump. Most of the time you don't even get much sectors, just two or three more in my experience and in most cases. Just be careful to use the weird .cue file to load the iso inside CDArchive.
I really don't know what else i can do more... the guide follows the exact steps that we're doing. If there's something we can improve please let us know.

I've added the CDMage informations and link to download to the guide because it wasn't mentioned before.

Plextor: PX-W4012TU, PX-W5224TA, Premium, PX-716SA, PX-760A || LG GDR-8164B || Lite-On SOHD-167D
HP (Toshiba/Samsung): TS-H353A - Kreon FW || HP (Hitachi/LG): BH40N - crossflashed with LG BH16NS40 FW || Sony Optiarc AD-7280S