1 2021-12-05 17:42:31 (edited by user7 2024-06-11 04:54:45)

I dumped my System Disc 2 twice and the the dense.bin is the same hash for both instances.

However the ice txt is problematic:

ice @20090609 / [email protected]
Accessing                       : ok
Seeking 1st valid Mode1 sector  : ok
 LBA found                      : 44991
 @file offset                   : $00000168
 Scrambled                      : TRUE
Seeking LBA 45000               : ok
 Combined offset (samples)      : -498
Parsing IP.BIN                  : An unhandled exception occurred at $00410140 :
EConvertError : "$SEGAS" is an invalid integer

No Tracks are generated per usual. Any idea what the fix is?

The System Disc 2 HD area is only a single track, so hopefully that makes things easier to fix this.


Added http://redump.org/disc/115501/
Thanks to Deterous's help http://forum.redump.org/post/118244/#p118244

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

2 2022-03-14 20:59:05

user7 wrote:

I dumped my System Disc 2 twice and the the dense.bin is the same hash for both instances.

However the ice txt is problematic:

ice @20090609 / [email protected]
Accessing                       : ok
Seeking 1st valid Mode1 sector  : ok
 LBA found                      : 44991
 @file offset                   : $00000168
 Scrambled                      : TRUE
Seeking LBA 45000               : ok
 Combined offset (samples)      : -498
Parsing IP.BIN                  : An unhandled exception occurred at $00410140 :
EConvertError : "$SEGAS" is an invalid integer

No Tracks are generated per usual. Any idea what the fix is?

The System Disc 2 HD area is only a single track, so hopefully that makes things easier to fix this.

This I believe has been discussed before. It has to do with ice.exe not accepting "SEGAS" as the Media ID inside the IP.bin. The IP.bin normally has 4 characters and ice.exe will not get passed that point. You must use an alternate method for Redump purposes. The alternate method includes obtaining an older version of DIC build 20120707. The guidance below was taken from another thread that I'm not sure still exists.

Bumping this thread because I'm having the same problem with three internal Sega discs that I am trying to dump for Redump.
ice.exe is bugged and won't work for some discs.

I'm going to reference these discs at Dumpcast (I am the owner of the Dumpcast site btw).
System Disc 2
GD Drive Repair Program
DC Checker for Repair

The problem here is that ice.exe is expecting a 4-digit hex value in the IP.BIN header at 0x30 in the descrambled dump. This hex value is a checksum of other fields within the header. On this Virtua Fighter 3tb disc and others, including mine (and other discs I don't possess undumped by Redump like this DC Checker for MP), at 0x30 is the text "SEGA" or "SEGAS" -- which is not a hex value. Instead of failing gracefully, ice.exe crashes before descrambling the dump.

I downloaded DiscImageCreator to use that instead but the unfortunately the functionality to descramble discs dumped by dcdumper has been taken out at some point. The old builds that do have this functionality are not on the DIC github.

Fortunately there was a mediafire link to an old version left over in that thread. I am attaching that file to this post.

In order to use, do:
DiscImageCreator.exe -dec dense.bin <LBA>
which will spit out a "dense.dec" file.
for example:

c:\Users\darc\Desktop\gdroms\VGPC GD-Rom Dumping Kit>DiscImageCreator.exe -dec dense.bin 44990
DiscImageCreator BuildDate:[Jul  7 2012 00:01:08]
Start->Sun 2019-05-05 11:36:54 Central Daylight Time
Descrambling File(size) 1185760800/1185763076
End->Sun 2019-05-05 11:37:29 Central Daylight Time

And if the HD section contains CDDA, also do:
DiscImageCreator.exe -split dense.dec
for example:

c:\Users\darc\Desktop\gdroms\VGPC GD-Rom Dumping Kit>DiscImageCreator.exe -split dense.dec
DiscImageCreator BuildDate:[Jul  7 2012 00:01:08]
Start->Sun 2019-05-05 11:39:24 Central Daylight Time
Split File(num)  6/ 6End->Sun 2019-05-05 11:39:33 Central Daylight Time

This should spit out your split separate track files.

As for ice.exe, I have not seen the source code for this program. But if someone out there has it and doesn't mind sharing it I'd love to take a crack at updating this very unique program.

3 2022-03-14 21:03:56 (edited by MajorPBX 2022-03-14 21:07:03)

Another method could be using a hex editor to change the values in your dense.bin file and then changing them back after ice.exe is finished but I've never tried it and do not know if it will work.

4 2024-06-11 04:31:27 (edited by Deterous 2024-06-11 09:40:03)

This dump (System Disc 2) was descrambled using the old DIC version and the descrambled dense.bin matched the TOSEC dump hashes.
If anyone else encounters this problem with ice.exe, you can use the files I've uploaded. Place dense.bin in the same folder and run the .bat which will call DIC and produce a descrambled dense.dec

Added here: http://redump.org/disc/115501/

Post's attachments

DIC-Descramble-dense-bin.7z 62 kb, 2 downloads since 2024-06-11 

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