1 2021-11-05 19:56:06

Using the URL http://redump.org/discs/offset/-12 will search for discs with offset of -12, this works just fine, but I cannot search for positive offsets in this way, such as http://redump.org/discs/offset/+2, as the + is interpreted as a space. Is there any way to query the DB for positive offsets?

PX-4824TA (offset +98), PX-755SA (offset +30), ASUS BW-16D1HT (offset +6)

2 2021-11-05 20:10:13

iR0b0t posted in 2017: "needs a fix"

3 2021-11-05 20:15:35

Ah yeah, forgot for a second that this site wasn't maintained

PX-4824TA (offset +98), PX-755SA (offset +30), ASUS BW-16D1HT (offset +6)