1 2009-01-14 11:55:14

sectors are indexed by M:S:F (minutes, seconds, frames) because of origin from Audio CD.
seconds: 0..59 (60)
frames: 0..74 (75)
so 2 seconds are 75 * 2 = 150 sectors; 1 second & 74 frames = 75 + 74 = 149.

EAC won't detect gap when ther's only one audio track on CD, it's a known bug.

when gap is attached to the end of datatrack it's not unusual to get different crcs because of different offsets of each drive.

if you removed 352800 sectors from the end of data track manually, you need to add the same amount to the start of audio track.

about gap size, you could check it with hex editor, generally it will be either all 0x00 sectors or scrambled 0x00 sectors (looking like junk) - remove all that until last valid data sector.
commonly on PSX all gaps are 2 seconds large, there are some rare exceptions tho.

2 2009-01-14 15:03:18

The data track is correct now.. if you already have the offset value needed for EAC, then you should just extract Track02 in EAC (with the pregap of 0 seconds)..

after that is done, you'll have to add the pregap manually by adding 352800 bytes of zeroes to the beginning of Track02. If you don't know how to do this, just do the following: get this file, put it in the same folder as the track02 file.. then in Command Prompt, do 'copy /b pregap.bin+Track02.bin newtrack02.bin' (replace Track02.bin with the correct Track02 filename).

You'll probably end up with a dump that matches this one (at least the size of each track will be the same): http://redump.org/disc/3379/

3 2009-01-14 15:11:15

i'll add, that you can see full final sizel here:
From image: 583331280
so 583331280-538655040=44676240 <| audio tracks should total to this. since ther's only one this is the size it should be.
it's great to verify yourself

4 2009-01-15 10:28:19

Your other drives have a different read offset, so you'll have to calculate a different offset value in EAC for each drive (depending on the amount of garbage that you see in that sector).

As for the crc of the data track not matching: make sure that you do 'psxt001z --fix' after removing the pregap. Then they should all match.

5 2009-01-15 12:53:42

eeek wrote:

Another question is that when I use ISObuster it always dump as .iso how can I get it to dump as .bin or can I just change the extension manually?

Of cause, you can change extension manually to *.bin
By default IsoBuster should extract raw cd images to *.bin, and dvd images to *.tao
If you are sure that you extracting your image in raw (2352), than check this settings:


Moreover, you should set timestamps as follows:


PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)