51 2008-07-02 12:15:02

OmniouS wrote:

I can do more if you want

that's enough m8 big_smile

OmniouS wrote:

The button that says 'Start Comprasion' - should that be 'Start Compression'?

I saw that too, but...he can fix it in his final version smile

OmniouS wrote:

If you take a file/files out of the directory that the program hasnt compressed yet, it makes a 32kb 7z file for each one

yeah, the loop function should be fixed...

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

52 2008-07-02 12:48:37

iR0b0t wrote:
OmniouS wrote:

The button that says 'Start Comprasion' - should that be 'Start Compression'?

I saw that too, but...he can fix it in his final version smile

lol Spelling Mistakes are my trademark lol

iR0b0t wrote:
OmniouS wrote:

I can do more if you want

that's enough m8 big_smile

OmniouS wrote:

The button that says 'Start Comprasion' - should that be 'Start Compression'?

I saw that too, but...he can fix it in his final version smile

OmniouS wrote:

If you take a file/files out of the directory that the program hasnt compressed yet, it makes a 32kb 7z file for each one

yeah, the loop function should be fixed...

yes this software need lot of changes, the version everyone is using was just a test program, which i just created using help from iR0b0t. Those shortcomings will be removed in the next version.

PS: Also the core working of this software are not written by me, it was done by ajax16384, since PackISO didn't worked with PS2 images, i took couple of program file packiso used and just created a FrontEnd to make thing easy. Just updating because i don't want to take credit of something i didn't did.

53 2008-07-02 12:50:32

Cool man, let me know if you need any help beta testing wink

54 2008-07-02 17:22:33

BadSector wrote:

Just updating because i don't want to take credit of something i didn't did.

That's fair !!!

BadSector wrote:

lol Spelling Mistakes are my trademark lol

have you patented it? big_smile:D:D

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

55 2008-07-02 18:07:48

iR0b0t wrote:
BadSector wrote:

Just updating because i don't want to take credit of something i didn't did.

That's fair !!!

BadSector wrote:

lol Spelling Mistakes are my trademark lol

have you patented it? big_smile:D:D

No, that's the truth, i failed three 3 in English coz of my spellings. infect that was the one of three reasons i took computer science, second being my poor handwriting (MS word save u from both lol) and third being my excellent math.

56 2008-07-03 01:03:41

OmniouS wrote:

187 Ride or Die (E) [SLES-52276] CRC:be031ee7
Devil May Cry 2 (E) (Disc 1) (Dante Disc) [SLES-82011] CRC:0e8272d9
Devil May Cry 2 (E) (Disc 2) (Lucia Disc) [SLES-82012] CRC:bb8d067d
Devil May Cry (E) [SLES-50358] CRC:aeea0bac
Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII (E) [SLES-54185] CRC:534db38d
Final Fantasy X-2 (E) [SLES-51815] CRC:6700bd30
Final Fantasy X (E) [SCES-50490] CRC:f8eb7e5c
Final Fantasy XII (E) [SLES-54354] CRC:6234b018
God of War (E) [SCES-53133] CRC:ec98274d
Jak 3 (E) [SCES-52460] CRC:a91d68d2
Jak II - Renegade (E) [SCES-51608] CRC:04df775b
Kingdom Hearts (E) [SCES-50967] CRC:5b0dfe28

It works pretty, ALL checksums match big_smile

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

57 2008-07-03 01:19:31

iR0b0t wrote:
OmniouS wrote:

187 Ride or Die (E) [SLES-52276] CRC:be031ee7
Devil May Cry 2 (E) (Disc 1) (Dante Disc) [SLES-82011] CRC:0e8272d9
Devil May Cry 2 (E) (Disc 2) (Lucia Disc) [SLES-82012] CRC:bb8d067d
Devil May Cry (E) [SLES-50358] CRC:aeea0bac
Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII (E) [SLES-54185] CRC:534db38d
Final Fantasy X-2 (E) [SLES-51815] CRC:6700bd30
Final Fantasy X (E) [SCES-50490] CRC:f8eb7e5c
Final Fantasy XII (E) [SLES-54354] CRC:6234b018
God of War (E) [SCES-53133] CRC:ec98274d
Jak 3 (E) [SCES-52460] CRC:a91d68d2
Jak II - Renegade (E) [SCES-51608] CRC:04df775b
Kingdom Hearts (E) [SCES-50967] CRC:5b0dfe28

It works pretty, ALL checksums match big_smile

awesome wink

58 2008-07-03 15:44:23

I made a batch file that does the same as packPS2, if anyone is interested in testing it.

There are 2 files, packPS2.bat and packPS2-Solo.bat. Just put both in packIso folder than drag a folder/file to it or to it's shortcut.

packPS2.bat will compress all .iso files in the folder,

packPS2-Solo.bat will compress the dragged file only.

59 2008-08-13 09:43:50

Links for packps2 are dead.  Anyone know where to get it from?

60 2008-08-13 09:58:13

Give me couple of days and i will reupload it. (Currently out of city)

61 2008-09-10 08:06:59

BadSector did you get to reupload your program?

62 2008-09-10 09:18:27

oh ya here


63 2008-09-10 22:46:41
