1 2020-03-25 00:54:06 (edited by Qubits 2020-03-25 00:55:00)

I'm about to do verification dumps on multiple psx disks, often adding missing info like barcodes or ring info.

What I don't get is the "Write offset" attribute in the ring info table, let's take this example:

Of all examples I looked at, the offset is always identical to the offset written above in the general game info.
My understanding is that the offset is based on the data of the disk and that it can't be found by looking at the ring.
So why is there an entry?

Also, each line in the rings table is a seperate entry from a separate disc of a separate dumper, right?
So, in the example, the lowermost line of the rings table seems to have 2 entries in the mould SID.
Does that mean there were 2 IFPI numers on the same disc?
Is this even possible? I haven't seen it before.

Also, when I do the dump, I edit the !submissionInfo file later, because I read the ring info afterwards.
Now different to the last time I did a dump, there's now not ony a txt fie but a json file as well.
Is it ok if I just edit the text file?

Finally, how is it possible that a data track is verified but the cuesheet and PVD is not?
I see this a lot of times, again like in the example.

2 2020-03-25 01:06:38 (edited by Aringon 2020-03-25 01:07:57)

Offsets for PSX discs can vary between different pressings, so it's included there if they pop up.

No, each different line isn't for a new dump. Rather they're supposed to be new lines for each new Mastering Code. A lot of people do not include the Mastering Code in their submission, since it requires tools to see, thus they added them all as separate lines. The reason you see two IFPI numbers in the Mould SID section is because it's two different discs with the same Mastering Code. It isn't strictly impossible to have two Data Mould SIDs on one disc but it is incredibly rare.

Yes, it's fine to just edit and post the contents of the txt file, you dont need to worry about the json file.

Cuesheet can be changed depending on what the Bin file dump is named, PVD should always be the same as it's part of the disc image.

That should clear up your questions? If I got anything incorrect, and I don't think I did, somebody will surely be along shortly to correct me.

3 2020-03-25 04:51:57 (edited by Qubits 2020-03-25 05:24:28)

Thank you for the answer, very insightful.
By "new lines for each new Mastering Code" you mean the Mastering code in the 1st column, I suppose?
Not the Mastering SID Code?
Am I Correct that the Mastering code on PSX disks is usually the serial# followed by a spce and a single digit?

About PVD: Do I understand correctly that  tracks verified <=> PVD verified?
Then there would be a mistake in my linked example disc because PVD is not verified but tracks are?
I've seen this very often with other discs.

About Cuesheet: I still don't understand what exactly is needed to verify a cuesheet.
My understanding would be that verified tracks should also verify the cuefile.

Also, if I just want to add data for verified dumps, like ring data and barcode, can I add it without submitting a redump, just by posting the data in the forum?

Finally, to speed up the process of submitting verifications (~50 verifcations to come) Is it ok to leave some info unfilled, that is identical, like name, foreign name, region, lanuage etc?
I'm thinking about putting in the serial number and the new/missing data.
This would save me a lot of time.

4 2020-03-25 13:20:12 (edited by Maddog 2020-03-25 13:21:02)

Qubits wrote:

Finally, to speed up the process of submitting verifications (~50 verifcations to come) Is it ok to leave some info unfilled, that is identical, like name, foreign name, region, lanuage etc?
I'm thinking about putting in the serial number and the new/missing data.
This would save me a lot of time.

Either copy/paste the identical data from the existing entry in the DB (this is what I do personally if it's too time consuming to write it down, eg for Japanese names or other stuff that can't be typed in seconds) OR omit them but clearly mention what has been omitted due to being identical. Even putting something like "all other info as seen on the current entry is identical" should be clear enough IMHO.

5 2020-03-25 16:05:42 (edited by Aringon 2020-03-25 16:09:23)

Yes, I mean the Mastering Code
No, Mastering Codes for PSX do not always follow that format, some do but not all.

PVD and Cuesheet will never be marked as verified, when you mark things as verified it completely locks down that part of the page and only the admin can unlock them. It's standard practice to just leave it unlocked around here since the only person that can unlock them is rather busy and not around here to do that sort of thing. It is for this same reason that you will never see a Ring Code marked as verified, even if people submit the same ones.

As far as Cue files go your assumption is wrong. Cue files are generated based off the Bin file, changing the name of the Bin file for instance would change the Cue file. If you rename the Bin, you need to edit the Cue otherwise it won't work anymore. It doesn't really make sense to "verify" the Cue file for this reason, only the Bin tracks matter for verification.

No, you can't really just submit information like ring codes etc without a redump.

If you don't want to spend the time checking languages and things, which I definitely don't hold against you because it's a pain in the ass, just fill in the relevant section with NOT CHECKED or something along those lines. I wouldn't copy data from existing entries, you never know if the person before you screwed it up and nobody noticed. I would definitely put the Region information in every time, it only takes a couple seconds to mention which Country the disc came from after all. I don't personally worry about Foreign Titles or anything like that, copy those as you wish.