1 2020-03-12 12:38:14

Hi everyone,
i decided to write some simply rules to post verifications and new dumps on this forum board.
There's a lot of confusion on how to do it correctly and i want to clarify everything starting from the definitions of new dumps and verifications.

What are the "new dumps"?
We call "new dumps" the discs not yet added and totally new to the database.

What are the "verifications"?
We call "verifications" a dump taken from a disc that is already in our database, and with a verification we can confirm that the previous dump was 100% correct.

Now, how to submit them correctly?
First of all, for new dumps.
If you are already have dumper status you can see it correctly on the homepage.
If you don't have the dumper status yet because you're a new user, the only way to add new dumps is through the forum.
After getting the dumper status, of course, you can access it from the homepage like i said already.

If you add the dumps using the new disc section we can help us to process and add everything quickly, because you can save us the part where we need to carefully check again the inserted data before copying and pasting somewhere else, and also cleaning the forum requires some more time that we can use for something else, like add some other dumps of course :P
No matter where you want to add them. There's plenty of space inside the "Comments" section. Add a link there with the logs to download. Read more about the logs upload after this part.

If you still want to use the forum, or you want to add a verification that can be added ONLY on the forum, please follow some simply rules:

1) ALWAYS add your logs to the submissions!
I repeated this phrase a million times.
The dumps without logs will not be added to the database.

-Don't use any filehosting website that deletes the files after a few days of inactivity. (dl.free.fr, for example)
-Don't use any filehosting website that let you wait for a lot of time between different downloads. (1Fichier, for example)

Please, we don't want to ask you a thousand times for the logs after you have posted something.

ALSO, there's a function on the forum called Attachments, if the compressed log files are not too big (under 3 MB) you can directly attach them to your post. Use 7-Zip for best results.

3) Use CODE blocks for your text.
There's various reasons to do that, but for me it's easier to read than the "normal" text formatting.
It's also easier to copy/paste the data if needed, and we don't have a wall of text in front of us when you're adding an audio disc with 77 audio tracks, for example.

4) Multi-disc releases needs to be added to the same thread!
Please don't open 4 different threads to add a 4-discs game.
There's not a single good reason to do that. It's just going to waste our time.
If the game has 4 discs, add it as "Game Title (Discs 1-4)" and all the stuff goes in a single thread.

5) Don't open multi-game threads.
Open a single thread for a single game instead of using a single thread for 10 discs.
We have never liked this multi-game approach as it gets more complicated for the staff to manage multiple entries without missing something.

6) Add a link to the corresponding release on the database.
If you have dumped a verification, make sure to search for the checksum of the first data track on the search bar of the website. You should see the corresponding release in our database, copy-paste that link in your submission.
If the search result is empty, you're probably dealing with a new dump. Just remember to not confuse them and don't add a verification with the new disc form.
NOTE: if you don't have the dumper status you won't see Wii, PS3 or XBOX360 games, and of course your research on the website won't return any result, so if you have dumped a game for one of these consoles but you still don't have the dumper status don't worry about posting the link, we'll check it out for you.

7) When possible, add some photos or scans of the discs.
We don't need scans at super high definitions, just something that can help us to figure it out the ringcodes correctly.
It's not mandatory for a dump submission, but of course it's still something that can help us.

8) Subscribe to your post.
Sometimes a moderator may have a question or request about your submission. Subscribing to your post will make it possible for you to be notified via email when that occurs. Please make sure the "Subscribe to this topic." box is checked before you submit your post. To avoid forgetting this, go to Profile -> Settings -> Subscription settings and check the "Subscribe to topics by default when posting" box.

9) As a general guideline: Ask for help!
We're here to help you. We want to cooperate to preserve all the discs we can get.
Nothing it's a stupid question, ask us what you want to know.
When in doubt with something, contact one of us moderators with a PM in the forum board or, even better, using our Discord group.

To achieve the best results we expect everyone's cooperation.
This project needs you and your contribution.
Thank you for understanding.

Plextor: PX-W4012TU, PX-W5224TA, Premium, PX-716SA, PX-760A || LG GDR-8164B || Lite-On SOHD-167D
HP (Toshiba/Samsung): TS-H353A - Kreon FW || HP (Hitachi/LG): BH40N - crossflashed with LG BH16NS40 FW || Sony Optiarc AD-7280S

2 2023-01-01 18:14:21

Hot tip, if you're not sure if the dump is a verification or not you can search the crc32 of your dump into redump's "Quick search" box.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.