1 2008-03-01 21:54:00 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-01 22:15:31)

I bought one of them today and am in the process of dumping it. Do you think I should put it under the mega-cd section with 32X in the version or edition or what? There is only 5 so I don't think it needs it's own part of the database what you guys think?

Just to make sure also I got the offset correct...

63 lines with the d8 method

63 X 16 = 1008 /4 = 252

252 - 1176 = -924 - +30 = -954 (write offset)

2 2008-03-01 23:54:55

pepsidrinker wrote:

63 lines with the d8 method

63 X 16 = 1008 /4 = 252

252 - 1176 = -924 - +30 = -954 (write offset)

Is +1176 your drive reading offset? What's +30?

3 2008-03-02 00:01:38 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 00:14:28)

+30 is my drives read offset.. I was following the directions for the D8 method.

This time there is 2236 bytes before the sync/header, or 513 samples.
However, this time the sync/header is slightly different from our previous example (00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00018202...).
This difference in the header (18202 instead of 18200) indicates that the data is read from sector 2 instead of sector 0 (see post below for more info).

A full sector is 2352 bytes or 588 samples of data, so the difference is 2*588 samples.
Combined read+write offset = 513 - (2*588) = -617. Because the drive that we used is +30 read offset, the factory write offset is -647.

I guess I don't understand the math... how in the example does it become -617?

2 X 588 = 1176 right

so 513 - 1176 would = -663 right?  What am I missing?

4 2008-03-02 00:39:01

I think Dremora is asking that because in both EAC and PerfectRip logs you posted above I see a +252 offset correction. Why that? Using your calcs the write offset is -954, and if combined offset is -924, you should use that to dump. +252 is completely wrong.

Moreover are you sure you have to subtract -1176 for this disc? The part of the guide you cited is only an example, you don't have to always subtract 2 sectors to get the offset. What number do you get after the sync? Is it really 018202? Or is it 18200? SegaCD discs shouldn't have big negative offsets.

5 2008-03-02 00:47:17

Can you post here the D8 info?

6 2008-03-02 00:52:46 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 04:11:43)

gigadeath wrote:

I think Dremora is asking that because in both EAC and PerfectRip logs you posted above I see a +252 offset correction. Why that? Using your calcs the write offset is -954, and if combined offset is -924, you should use that to dump. +252 is completely wrong.

Moreover are you sure you have to subtract -1176 for this disc? The part of the guide you cited is only an example, you don't have to always subtract 2 sectors to get the offset. What number do you get after the sync? Is it really 018202? Or is it 18200? SegaCD discs shouldn't have big negative offsets.


There is 63 lines...

7 2008-03-02 01:43:07

Yes the combined offset is -924. That's the number to use (in PerfectRip it's +924)

EAC doesn't detect track02 pregap, so the resulting file has should have no pregap.

Try manually adding a 2.00 pregap to EAC's track02, and see if it matches PerfectRip's track02 in size and CRC.

8 2008-03-02 01:44:16

I did add the pregap. it matches in size but not crc.. I can upload with the new offset 2nd track audio if someone wants to look at it.

9 2008-03-02 01:46:34

Yes if you can smile

What about data track? Do PerfectRip's and IsoBuster's match?

10 2008-03-02 01:48:03 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-06 06:29:42)

Yes, they match.

11 2008-03-02 02:04:37

Actually PerfectRip's track02 you uploaded has less than 2 second of pregap, and EAC's has exactly 352800 bytes of pregap (which are the ones you added), so it's probable that EAC cut some data at the beginning. I prefer to hear what Vigi/Dremora/Themabus have to say. A -924 offset is exceptional, maybe there's an issue with that.

12 2008-03-02 02:10:56

Yes, EAC's track02 definitely miss data at the beginning, data that's present in PerfectRip's, which in turn has definitely less than 2 seconds of pregap silence

It could be wrong offset messing things up or gap being different than 2 secs. Can you post PerfectRip cue?

13 2008-03-02 02:10:59 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 04:15:10)

Ok, why would it be less than 2 second of pregap? The cue says 2 seconds.

REM Tool: PerfectRip
REM Date & time: 3/1/2008 6:13:41 PM
REM Drive: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-712A  1.09

CATALOG 0000000000000
FILE "01.- cd.track.pcm" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "02.- cd.track.pcm" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00

The game was brand new factory sealed.

14 2008-03-02 02:32:21

The first two tracks you've uploaded have difference only in pregap, the tracks dumped with -924 are completely different. Are you sure you've dumped them with the same offset?

15 2008-03-02 02:50:07 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-06 06:30:16)

No, sorry it was -954 with EAC...

I just dumped track 2 with pr with out dumping track 1 with it and it gave the same md5 as EAC with offset -924.

Could all the sub-channel errors that perfectrip gets effect the gap and make it messed up?


When you said if the perfectrip track 01 matches the one with ISOBuster and I said yes. It does match but I resized the ISO buster image of a 2 second gap and I didn't touch the Perfectrip track 01....  It seems to me somewhere Perfectrip is screwing up the gap?

here is the -924 EAC and PR track 02..

16 2008-03-02 03:19:55

AFAIK PerfectRip should give right size track01 without resizing. If PerfectRip's untouched and IsoBuster's resized match, then it's right.

Track02 still has issues, I see that PerfectRip file still has less than 2.00 pregap, and EAC file still misses data at the beginning.

Can you look at actual disc lenght in sectors with IsoBuster?

17 2008-03-02 03:25:41 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 03:27:51)

I will do that. But I messed up and I am going to see if that is the problem. I am redumping them now.  I never took out the - in Perfectrip so that it was a positive.

In EAC I have it set to positive, which is correct right? Or do you put it as -924?

18 2008-03-02 03:29:19

-924 in EAC and +924 in PerfectRip.

EAC -> exact combined offset
PerfectRip -> inverted sign

19 2008-03-02 03:32:57 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 03:39:53)

Thanks.. but even with that fixed it's still not matching.

266474 is the amount of sectors ISOBuster gives for the cd...

Daemon doesn't let me load the cue from perfectrip.

I had to fix the cue perfectrip made... It matches the cd.

ISOBuster and EAC + added gap matches the cd also.

20 2008-03-02 03:37:23

Are you always detecting gaps before dumpigng with EAC? Even if it returns 0.00 it's necessary to hit F4 before dumping. Even without manually adding pregap, EAC resulting file shouldn't begin directly with data.

21 2008-03-02 03:40:44

Yes, I hit F4.

22 2008-03-02 03:43:04

Can you please upload

1) EAC track02 dumped with -924 WITHOUT added pregap
2) PerfectRip track02 dumped with +924 (dumped by itself, without dumping track01 in the same session)

23 2008-03-02 03:51:04 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 04:13:24)

Here it is...


24 2008-03-02 04:02:11

EAC misses very few data this time. But there seems to be something definitely wrong with offsets, both tracks are cut off at the end. My guess is the offset isn't really that huge negative one we use now. Have you tried detecting the offset with good ol' IsoBuster method? Take track02 LBA, go back 150 sectors and see what's there.

No hurry, going to bed now smile

25 2008-03-02 04:14:11 (edited by pepsidrinker 2008-03-02 08:13:51)

Doesn't display any garbage data when I go back 150 sectors.

Hopefully Vigi has a suggestion.

EDIT: How can you tell if it's been cut off at the end?

I compared the two in hex workshop. This is what is missing from the beginning of the EAC dump.

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 C104 7004
9205 B404 AA08 AE06 5A0C A609 880E 9F0B E20F E10C 6510 A00D 2B0E 580C
BE09 1609 B705 9505 0D03 E402 7C02 CE01 6405 4903 270B 6C07 6610 2B0C

I wonder why EAC didn't dump that?