1 2008-02-13 19:30:51 (edited by madmagician 2008-02-13 19:38:14)

I would kindly like to ask all Sega Saturn Dumpers to post here a bit of extra information from each dump

From my past experience dumping for TOSEC, Seg Saturn Games had variations based on even the slightest Hub Code difference.  I would like to capture this information as well as the information from the first few bytes of the Data track.

Here is an example of the full hub code  there are 4 distinct parts, the *3S* which may be a master #, the Serial Number, the "IFPI" code which is the code for the manufacturer, and sometimes an additional etched or number in this case "A1".  Even minor variances in these numbers have shown to be indications of different data.   Please put as much of this as is readable in the "Hub code" section of the database.

Here is what the first few bytes of a saturn image look like in Isobuster when viewed with the Sector Editor

0000 : 53 45 47 41 20 53 45 47  41 53 41 54 55 52 4E 20   SEGA SEGASATURN 
0010 : 53 45 47 41 20 54 50 20  54 2D 32 39 34 20 20 20   SEGA TP T-294   
0020 : 54 2D 32 39 34 30 31 48  20 20 56 31 2E 32 30 30   T-29401H  V1.200
0030 : 31 39 39 36 30 36 31 31  43 44 2D 31 2F 31 20 20   19960611CD-1/1  
0040 : 55 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   U               
0050 : 4A 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   J               
0060 : 41 4C 4F 4E 45 20 49 4E  20 54 48 45 20 44 41 52   ALONE IN THE DAR
0070 : 4B 20 4F 4E 45 20 45 59  45 44 20 4A 41 43 4B 20   K ONE EYED JACK 
0080 : 53 20 52 45 56 45 4E 47  45 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   S REVENGE

The quantity of bytes varies depending on the disc title, but the max should be 16 lines.

Hopefully having this information fully documented will help us in the future as we start to verify dumps and have any strangeness.


2 2008-02-13 22:52:54

Here is an example, 3 discs same game.

Not for Resale - Hub Code *3S*1008681200 A12

0000 : 53 45 47 41 20 53 45 47  41 53 41 54 55 52 4E 20   SEGA SEGASATURN 
0010 : 53 45 47 41 20 45 4E 54  45 52 50 52 49 53 45 53   SEGA ENTERPRISES
0020 : 4D 4B 2D 38 31 32 30 30  20 20 56 31 2E 30 30 30   MK-81200  V1.000
0030 : 31 39 39 35 30 33 31 37  43 44 2D 31 2F 31 20 20   19950317CD-1/1  
0040 : 42 4B 55 54 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   BKUT            
0050 : 4A 53 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   JS              
0060 : 44 41 59 54 4F 4E 41 20  55 53 41 20 20 20 20 20   DAYTONA USA 

Not for Resale - Hub Code *4S*1008681200 C17

0000 : 53 45 47 41 20 53 45 47  41 53 41 54 55 52 4E 20   SEGA SEGASATURN 
0010 : 53 45 47 41 20 45 4E 54  45 52 50 52 49 53 45 53   SEGA ENTERPRISES
0020 : 4D 4B 2D 38 31 32 30 30  20 20 56 31 2E 30 30 30   MK-81200  V1.000
0030 : 31 39 39 35 30 33 31 37  43 44 2D 31 2F 31 20 20   19950317CD-1/1  
0040 : 42 4B 55 54 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   BKUT            
0050 : 4A 53 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   JS              
0060 : 44 41 59 54 4F 4E 41 20  55 53 41 20 20 20 20 20   DAYTONA USA 


0000 : 53 45 47 41 20 53 45 47  41 53 41 54 55 52 4E 20   SEGA SEGASATURN 
0010 : 53 45 47 41 20 45 4E 54  45 52 50 52 49 53 45 53   SEGA ENTERPRISES
0020 : 4D 4B 2D 38 31 32 30 30  20 20 56 31 2E 30 30 30   MK-81200  V1.000
0030 : 31 39 39 35 30 33 31 37  43 44 2D 31 2F 31 20 20   19950317CD-1/1  
0040 : 42 4B 55 54 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   BKUT            
0050 : 4A 53 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20   JS              
0060 : 44 41 59 54 4F 4E 41 20  55 53 41 20 20 20 20 20   DAYTONA USA

3 2008-02-14 07:55:55

Where should I submit those info? In the comments section of the "new disc" webpage?

4 2008-02-14 12:40:45
