1 2008-01-21 21:00:35

If the moderators have the ability to delete posts, that they delete games added to the database as it's redundant information unless it's useful, lowers the probability to zero of missed games which equals no complaining\asking from the dumpers that a page or two goes by without their game being added did it get over looked. This will also work for the fixes and addition part.

The second idea is to clean up the general discussion and take all pertinent and merge it into a coherent F.A.Q. of sorts, I believe it will look more professional to the new people and it will hopefully help them find the answer quicker and lower the chance of being asked multiple times.

2 2008-01-21 21:40:26

I absolutely agree. Here are a few ideas:

- The Guide has to be thoroughly rewritten. As a newbie, I had lots of questions on several steps which were not extensively covered in the guide
- Maybe it is better to split the guide per system (PSX/Sega CD/Saturn etc.) so that users don't get confused which ripping/verification steps are required for which system's images and which not
- The rationale behind redump, and the technical background and differentiation to other projects such as tosec needs to be outlined in a FAQ in a detailed way. Only after lots of discussions I understood the value of that particular ripping method (still have not fully understood it). Of course that may be because I'm a little dumb, but anyway... I guess if you want lots of people to contribute, one has to be very precise about the benefits of and the rationale behind contributing.

3 2008-01-22 18:37:38

As to the first offer it's not so good idea. Sometimes there is a necessity will return to old dumps.
And general discussion I shall clear.
To write the separate instruction for Sega CD or Sega Saturn  is not simple. For example there is no method to correctly copying SS disks with two data tracks.
And how to be with mad offsets? for example I'm not sure, that offset equal 0 exists smile
As  now i'm keen SS, some moments are found out. For example gaps depend from offset. 01-74 Gaps are available on disks with offsets +390, +684 or +1280 (the list not full). Standard gaps (02-00) are available on disks with offsets 0, +18, +222, +810 and so on.
If to follow the general rule about which I have written strange gaps should not appear.
However completely  not clear, whether are true strange gaps about which wrote themabus - http://forum.redump.org/viewtopic.php?id=2232