1 2019-06-18 09:28:56 (edited by layzee 2019-06-18 09:30:39)

Since getting an Nvidia Shield TV + Retrocore, I had a renewed interest in emulation in general (after being away from it for years). It might be old news by now but it was pretty amazing to see a tiny quiet Android box running PS1 emulators on a TV, playing games at full speed with the usual emu enhancements (save states, etc).

Right now I'm just trying to figure out how to sort out my old redump PS1 ISO folder. Most of the games are in game.bin.ecm format and compressed with 7zip. The ones with multi-tracks are in .ape format. In terms of storage, there's no problem here.

But there are two main issues:

1) clrmamepro + the redump PS1 dat demands that all files be in .bin format (including the audio .wavs) so if I want to keep track of what I do and don't have, I'll need to convert them. I don't mind doing so, but I just want to make sure this is the current preferred format before I begin.

2) Some or most PS1 emulators can decompress and run standard single-track isos (not sure about multi-track ones) before running them (very convenient). However, this is not possible with the game.bin.ecm + .ape format.

Basically I just want an organised PS1 iso set which can be decompressed on-the-fly (instead of manually decompressed beforehand) and played with emulators on the Nvidia Shield TV.

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas.

2 2019-06-18 14:55:41

>game.bin.ecm + .ape format

Do you know what century we're living in? xD

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

3 2019-06-18 18:15:28

Until recently, no.

4 2019-06-18 18:19:39

i haven't seen ecm + ape since the UG days.

Everyone's just using bin and putting them in torrentzip or 7z

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

5 2019-06-18 22:15:37

Use CHDs smile

6 2019-06-19 04:36:25 (edited by battosai121 2019-06-19 04:38:17)

user7 wrote:

>game.bin.ecm + .ape format

Do you know what century we're living in? xD

One of theses days I'll check out the chd format but ecm works for me right now. Its time consuming but it has good compression for me...

History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever.

7 2019-06-19 06:51:24

Merge It!

8 2019-06-19 07:09:33

LedZeppelin68 wrote:

Merge It!

Not the best solution for decompressing them on-the-fly on "a tiny quiet Android box".

9 2019-06-19 08:31:28

Personally, all my dumps are all kept in their original bin format, Checked against the DAT,  renamed, tzipped and organized by RomVault.
Whilst tzip probably doesn't achieve the highest compression rate, it is certainly a lot faster than 7z or other methods.
A lot of emulators will allow you to open the zip directly too (although i don't know if that applies to current PSX emulators).

10 2019-06-19 13:25:03

F1ReB4LL wrote:
LedZeppelin68 wrote:

Merge It!

Not the best solution for decompressing them on-the-fly on "a tiny quiet Android box".

everything is possible! smile

11 2019-06-19 14:16:40

user7 wrote:

i haven't seen ecm + ape since the UG days.

That's probably where I got it from.

Anyway yes, I am looking for a good balance of archivability and playability so I'm leaning towards .bin torrent7zipped or torrentzipped depending on whether emulators can run it. game.bin.ecm * .ape has nice compression but not really good for playing and not workable with the dat. My no-intro stuff is tz'd with the exception of DS which is tz7'd which is happily compatible with emulators. I am mightily impressed with DS emulators, they're an even better experience than the is-nitro-capture.

12 2019-06-27 18:22:23

Finally finished converting the ecms/apes to bin/7z. Unfortunately, it seems like the 7z'd multi-track games cause heavy slowdown with clrmamepro. Still having second thoughts about going to just standard zip.

PS. New Nvidia Shield console announced recently.

13 2019-07-16 16:23:50

Got a couple of questions.

I have PS3HEN (custom firmware) installed on my PS3 but is it safe to use it for accessing PSN and downloading free and paid DLC content?

What's the current state of PSP DLC (paid & unpaid) preservation and the current state of the PSP PSN/servers? For example, I'm looking through no-intro's data files but it seems to be pretty scarce when it comes to the downloadable content for Mega Man: Powered Up/Rockman Rockman (e.g. extra characters, extra stages etc). Though in this particular case, I believe most of this stuff is downloaded through the actual game and not through the main PSN site. Also apparently, the game server for this game is still up and people are still uploading customs stage to this day or year.

Is there any way to get the PSP (mine has custom firmware) to connect to the PSN and/or Internet using a wired ethernet connection? My main PC is not set up for wireless at the moment. What's the best and easiest way to connect?

In general, I just want to get online and grab any interesting DLC (particularly the paid ones) that may have been missed by the datters before they die permanently. Is there a running list of confirmed missing PSP DLC similar to the lists of missing PS1, PS2 etc stuff?

14 2019-07-20 05:48:13

I managed to get internet working on my PSP, and browsed the aforementioned Rockman Rockman with it and I recorded my results here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1yvcDFSlFQ. I'll check out some of my other games if they have similar online content in the near future.