1 2019-05-05 15:31:45 (edited by ajshell1 2019-05-05 15:32:01)

Recently, I got shipped a big stack of 32 French OXM discs to get repaired at my local video rental store.
19 (likely 22 once i get the remaining 3 fixed) match normal European or (Europe, Australia) OXM discs.
7 discs match nothing, so I'll be submitting them soon.
3 however, are somewhat troublesome.

They match the following dumps:



As you can tell, one of these is listed as Australian, while the other two are listed as German.

The Australian one says internally that it is "OXM Euro 24 EU". Or at least that's what UnleashX calls it when I start it.
But the French menu calls it #23.

For the  04/2004 German disc, UnleashX calls it "OXM Euro 27 OZ&EURO", while the French menu calls it #26

As for the 09/2003 German Disc, UnleashX calls it "OXM Euro 20", while the French menu calls it #19

I'm not sure what the proper names for these discs would be given this info.

The German discs are especially troublesome, given that other OXM discs exists in the DB with very similar demo lists: http://redump.org/disc/20666/ and http://redump.org/disc/20659/

Since we don't have a France/Germany region, I think we'd be forced to make those two (Europe) region. Thus, we'd need a way to differentiate between the existing Euro dumps and these new Euro dumps.

Also, one of the new dumps has "Hors-Serie Solutions Numero 08" on the label, but UnleashX calls it "OXM FR Special 10". It has IM00119E as a DMI string. I don't know what to call this one.

Also, keep in mind that all of these were sent to me as loose discs, so I don't know for sure what issue they were released with.

The other six dumps are:


Given the two existing French OXm discs, I think these correspond to:

Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 20
Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 22 (confirmed in menu)
Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 40
Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 41
Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 44
Le Magazine Officiel Xbox: Le DVD Numéro 47

Please let me know what you think.

2 2019-05-05 15:45:19

>Since we don't have a France/Germany region, I think we'd be forced to make those two (Europe) region. Thus, we'd need a way to differentiate between the existing Euro dumps and these new Euro dumps.

You use one of the regional names, either France or Germany. This is standard practice and differentiates it between the UK/Europe release.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.