1 2019-04-08 05:42:15 (edited by silver_spirit 2019-04-08 05:44:25)

1: when I log in and select the dump I want to view, I've notice red x mark beside on the every dump name, why is that ?
2: why can't I see the other dump section like PSP, Wii ?
Thanks guy!

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Sorry, my English is not good.

2 2019-04-08 06:06:54

1) X and Checkmarks are basically just personal checklists. if you click the X it turns into a check mark. its a good way for users to track what dumps are in their collection (even if they didn't submit a dump or verify).

2) When you submit enough properly dumped game infos you'll get "Dumper" status and can see the newer systems.

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

3 2019-04-08 07:10:34

Is there other way to become dumper ?

Sorry, my English is not good.

4 2019-04-08 12:18:49

Not really, its called that for a reason.
You don't need to submit new dumps, or even that many - you can just submit a few verifications.

5 2019-04-08 13:34:08

Sorry guys, but what is verifications ?

Sorry, my English is not good.

6 2019-04-08 14:20:32 (edited by Landcross 2019-04-08 14:20:45)

silver_spirit wrote:

Sorry guys, but what is verifications ?

When a game is dumped and added to Redump, it's only been from a single disc so it's unconfirmed that the dump is 100% correct (though errors are highly unlikely, it is possible). Verifications verify a dump. When e.g. 5 people (who dumped from 5 different discs) get the same dump results, it's of course much more unlikely that the dump contains an error then when it's only from a single person/disc.

Plus, verifications often add more (meta)data about the disc. For example another barcode, another serial, or maybe another edition of the game that matches an existing entry.