Hello Havikoro.
Would you happen to have the dump fixer dos tool (2K.00)?
The mediafire link for it, is dead:
Redump Forum → General discussion → PSP dumping
Hello Havikoro.
Would you happen to have the dump fixer dos tool (2K.00)?
The mediafire link for it, is dead:
It's just a 2048byte dummy file. You can generate one using psxt001z.
psxt001z.exe --gen 2K.00 2048
Oh thank you.
Got some new UMDs and wonder what's the best way and best CFW for dumps as for now I have 5.50 Gen so the only way to run Filer is by eLoader which can't boot daxdumper.
My problem is that I also got two UMD which Filer can't dump as it tells me about 3/5 MB before end of the ripping that it can't read the disc, but the disc plays fine and they are new so no scratches or anything like that.
Since it's been a while since this thread has been update, are they any newer tools that are being used to do these dumps? I have a PSP 1001 with CFW 5.00 m33-6 and access to TONS of USA titles. I'm also looking for a list of missing titles so I know what to look for if there is one.
PSPFiler is what is being used to dump. I don't know exactly which version but I guess the latest "stable" one or whatever it's recommended out there. Sadly the guide here is out of date but it should follow the same procedure, just instead of using whatever is mentioned in the guide, use the latest PSPFiler version.
I suspect we have a few USA tagged dumps which are not really USA, so they need redumping. Some of them are Asian/Korean/Chinese/whatever versions, with a US serial but they are not found on retail USA stores. Dunno if they are pirated versions, or hacked releases, or just plain wacky official releases, but they are not really USA.
I'll have dump info of Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke (http://0stage.jp/interview_en/) incoming soon. So were using the currently posted guide but using PSPFiler instead of DAX for dumping, right?
the latest filer is 6.6. anyone used it? is it recomended? and how can i check if the iso is good? besides dumping twice.
I have some problem with dumping this disc - http://redump.org/disc/1196/ (Demo Disc for PSP Vol. 1 / UCJB-98302). I dump them 3 times (using PSP Filer v6.6 / CFM 5.50 GEN-D3) and every time I got a same hashes - size 268697600 crc a254481d md5 4e64617fc557985787a4f9e0fccba815 sha1 98e87907c1921de0980e592f6bd8a932f2740049. This hashes it is incorrect. Whats wrong? How I must dump this disc and get correct hashes?
Any software that can dump UMD movies yet?
I have some problem with dumping this disc - http://redump.org/disc/1196/ (Demo Disc for PSP Vol. 1 / UCJB-98302). I dump them 3 times (using PSP Filer v6.6 / CFM 5.50 GEN-D3) and every time I got a same hashes - size 268697600 crc a254481d md5 4e64617fc557985787a4f9e0fccba815 sha1 98e87907c1921de0980e592f6bd8a932f2740049. This hashes it is incorrect.
Whats wrong? How I must dump this disc and get correct hashes?
Your version is not dumpable.
The demo has 2 versions. the earlier-produced version is dumpable with PSPFiler/FastLoader/DAX and the one on the DB.
The later version is undumpable with the current method, as many UMDMovie/Music with an updater are.
Any software that can dump UMD movies yet?
nope. we can make only dirty copies, using the m33 umdrip function.
Rocket wrote:I have some problem with dumping this disc - http://redump.org/disc/1196/ (Demo Disc for PSP Vol. 1 / UCJB-98302). I dump them 3 times (using PSP Filer v6.6 / CFM 5.50 GEN-D3) and every time I got a same hashes - size 268697600 crc a254481d md5 4e64617fc557985787a4f9e0fccba815 sha1 98e87907c1921de0980e592f6bd8a932f2740049. This hashes it is incorrect.
Whats wrong? How I must dump this disc and get correct hashes?
Your version is not dumpable.
The demo has 2 versions. the earlier-produced version is dumpable with PSPFiler/FastLoader/DAX and the one on the DB. The later version is undumpable with the current method, as many UMDMovie/Music with an updater are.
Ok. Thanks, asapy.
hm.. so i have
Sampler Disc for PSP Vol. 1
seems undumpable via filer- are there 2 versions of this as well? I got mine the day the psp shipped in the US...
asapy wrote:Rocket wrote:I have some problem with dumping this disc - http://redump.org/disc/1196/ (Demo Disc for PSP Vol. 1 / UCJB-98302). I dump them 3 times (using PSP Filer v6.6 / CFM 5.50 GEN-D3) and every time I got a same hashes - size 268697600 crc a254481d md5 4e64617fc557985787a4f9e0fccba815 sha1 98e87907c1921de0980e592f6bd8a932f2740049. This hashes it is incorrect.
Whats wrong? How I must dump this disc and get correct hashes?
Your version is not dumpable.
The demo has 2 versions. the earlier-produced version is dumpable with PSPFiler/FastLoader/DAX and the one on the DB. The later version is undumpable with the current method, as many UMDMovie/Music with an updater are.Ok. Thanks, asapy.
hm.. so i have
Sampler Disc for PSP Vol. 1
http://redump.org/disc/4566/seems undumpable via filer- are there 2 versions of this as well? I got mine the day the psp shipped in the US...
well, I've confirmed on the EUR demo from an European friend before.
I don't know for your demo, but it's possible.
It might also be a bug of pspfiler 3.x kernel, so you can still try old Filer/DAX/FastLoader under 1.5 addon.
it finally dumped- there was a little speck of water film or whatever on the beginning of the disc that kept erroring out...
got a good dump- sent a verification with ringcodes, and fixes to the name.
hmm.. i just realized it WASN'T a verification... different size and everything...
gonna doublecheck and do a different dump with another system tonight and make sure its the same on that...
again edit:
seems something far odder happened- the file sitting on my desktop is fine, but the checksums and size that the script output were wrong... i'm going to resubmit after rerunning it all...
final edit:
found the problem- wrong file scanned (was a test file, not the proper iso) I'll redump from scratch and get all the info again for a proper verification.. sorry!!!!
Hi ajax16384,
I'm running a PSP 1001 with 5.50 Prome-4 CFW. I am unable to get umddaxdumper to run. Is ISOTool (v1.970) not a viable option as an alternative for PSP dumping?
gamecaptor, use PSP Filer v6.6.
gamecaptor, use PSP Filer v6.6.
Thank you Rocket. I'll give it a try and report back.
I have the same PSP model as yours - PSP 1001 with CFW 5.50 GEN-D3 and this utility runs great on it.
Hi Rocket,
Yup, it worked like a champ! However, it's lead me to a bigger issue.
I’m attempting to do my own dumps for PSP with the intention of helping the DATs progress. For those just joining the conversation, my setup is PSP-1001 with 5.50 Prome-4 CFW.
I decided to use Knights in the Nightmare (US) as my tester game (I'll try LocoRoco 2 next since I have it handy as well).
I started with the scene release version, Knights_In_The_Nightmare_USA_PSP-PSPKiNG which shows a CRC of 0355DD7C (which is correct according to the no-intro.org DAT file).
I then made a dump with ISO Tool v1.970 and the CRC states 0046BB36. Next I made a dump with PSP Filer 6.6 and the CRC states 0046BB36 which is the same CRC as ISO Tool.
So my question is which is the correct CRC, the scene release or my dump(s)? Since I do not have "dumper" status I do not have access to the Redump PSP DAT file, so I can't be sure what this group believes to be correct, so I'm going off the no-intro.org DAT until I can understand otherwise.
I didn't even think to check the sizes, I was too concerned about the CRC. Going back to my question above, what is the correct CRC/Size for a "proper" dump?
Knights in the Nightmare (USA)
Scene CRC: 0355DD7C
Scene ISO Size: 509114368
Scene ISO Size on disk: 509116416
My Dump CRC: 0046BB36
My Dump ISO Size: 509116416
My Dump ISO Size on disk: 509116416
I just did a dump of LocoRoco 2 with both ISO Tool v1.970 and PSP Filer 6 and I ended up with the same CRC and size as the scene release, so this is leading me to believe that the scene release of Knights in the Nightmare is a bad dump. But again, without the DAT to verify against what Redump is calling correct, I'm not entirely sure.
Scene CRC: FF009F58
Scene ISO Size: 1,805,778,944
Scene ISO Size on disk: 1,805,778,944
My Dump CRC: FF009F58
My Dump ISO Size: 1805778944
My Dump ISO Size on disk: 1805778944
Some PSP scene releases are missing 2048 (or sometimes 6144) bytes from the end of the ISO
The built-in UMD Dumper on M33 firmwares misses the last few sectors resulting in a bad dump.
PSP Filer can correctly dump UMD and doesn't miss the last few sectors.
Usually the missing data is all 00's, so sometimes you can just add 2048 or 6144 bytes
of 00's onto the end of the scene release iso and it will match the redump iso.
The DAT on no-intro is actually using data from the Scene Releases.
Scene releases are not verified to be good dumps, this is what redump is doing.
From your example above of 'Knights in the Nightmare (USA)':
(your Dump) 509116416 minus (Scene) 509114368 = 2,048 bytes (scene release is underdumped 2048 bytes)
If you add 2048 bytes of 00's onto the end of the scene ISO, you will probably get the same CRC as your dump.
(But you can't do this for all games though, as some games do have data in the last few sectors.)
It looks like the scene release of 'Knights in the Nightmare (USA)' was dumped using the built-in M33 dumper (bad dump).
(The built-in dumper is the one where can change USB device to UMD0 in the VSH menu on 5.00M33 etc)
'Knights in the Nightmare (USA)' is not in the redump.org database, so post it in the new dumps section of the forum.
Your 'Loco Roco 2 (USA)' dump matches the one on the redump.org database, so it looks like you are dumping correctly.
edit: reworded post a little...
hello, gamecaptor
I'm the founder of no-intro psp dat which was originated to aim to make the perfect set generated from scene, redump and my private DB. However, one of my friend is working on the dat in these days after my leaving for private life.
I started with the scene release version, Knights_In_The_Nightmare_USA_PSP-PSPKiNG which shows a CRC of 0355DD7C (which is correct according to the no-intro.org DAT file).
I then made a dump with ISO Tool v1.970 and the CRC states 0046BB36. Next I made a dump with PSP Filer 6.6 and the CRC states 0046BB36 which is the same CRC as ISO Tool.
So my question is which is the correct CRC, the scene release or my dump(s)? Since I do not have "dumper" status I do not have access to the Redump PSP DAT file, so I can't be sure what this group believes to be correct, so I'm going off the no-intro.org DAT until I can understand otherwise.
your dump is perfect and the pspking dump is bad. pspking is known to use m33 dumper that make 2kb underdump.
the underdump is often fixable and no-intro dat must have fixed it, if they follow the principle. i don't know what happened to them.
By the way, you can't trust the dumps of ANY group, especially when the group is a long run group.
one of the reason is why the standard software of dumping had been changed: UMDDUMPER-> NewUMDDUMPER/FastLoader/DaxDumper/USBSSS -> pspfiler/kantan ripper/m33/ISO Tool/New umd dumper
Only pspfiler, kantan ripper and ISO Tool can make the perfect dump for all the umd games.
The other reason is why they sometimes make bad dumps and rebuilt isos.
I just did a dump of LocoRoco 2 with both ISO Tool v1.970 and PSP Filer 6 and I ended up with the same CRC and size as the scene release, so this is leading me to believe that the scene release of Knights in the Nightmare is a bad dump. But again, without the DAT to verify against what Redump is calling correct, I'm not entirely sure.
Scene CRC: FF009F58
Scene ISO Size: 1,805,778,944
Scene ISO Size on disk: 1,805,778,944My Dump CRC: FF009F58
My Dump ISO Size: 1805778944
My Dump ISO Size on disk: 1805778944
yes, all of your dumps and the scene dump is perfect.
Ris and asapy, thank you both for chiming in with these great explanations. Now that I have a better understanding I will work on helping contributed to the PSP DAT.
Again, thank you for your time.
Redump Forum → General discussion → PSP dumping