I can dump GC disc via USB with my ViperGC Extrem modded console. Will you consider these dumps as perfect (I think they are and many folk as well) but for the project or not?
Let me know I have some PAL and NTSC-J discs.
1 2007-10-22 13:07:51 (edited by batleth92 2007-10-22 13:08:50)
2 2007-10-22 16:00:25
Yes, this method can be used to dump GC discs for our project.
3 2007-10-23 00:01:22
Hi Dremora or any other person that runs the site,
Would you accept rawdump dumps of Wii and Gamecube games. I asked before and a Mod didn't answer. I have a lot of GC and Wii games I can add.
Or the Alternative Friidump.
4 2007-10-23 00:12:07
We take RAW dumps only of everything that uses a disc. If need be Dremora can add a new section for a new console that isn't already listed.
5 2007-10-23 00:19:04
What Haldrie? rawdump is a program to dump gamecube and wii games its an alternative to having a modded gamecube and Friidump is an alternative to rawdump. I was wondering if they made a good dump to be added to the database. There is a GC and Wii section.
6 2007-10-23 00:20:59 (edited by Haldrie 2007-10-23 00:26:12)
Oh ok I see what you're saying. I'll look into it and see which will work. If I recall the different dump methods create different size images so whichever one creates the same filesize as all the other dumps on our database would most likely be the correct one.
It looks to me like rawdump and friidump are pretty much the same thing except that friidump has the source included so I guess either one should work although what I read said rawdump is faster.
7 2007-10-23 00:25:45
Thanks Haldrie, Here is my original asking.
The reply from a Havikoro was this...
"I'm sure pepsidrinker is talking about an LG-816 dvd-rom drive as I just got one of these myself and I'm getting ready to dump Gamecube and Wii games with Raw Dump 2.0. I don't see why dumps using Raw Dump wouldn't be accepted since you get a perfect 1:1 dump with this method and I feel it's more reliable then using the BBA method. Dumping games with Raw Dump is pretty straight forward all you do is select your drive and then click "Start Dump". When you have your .iso you need to check your file and see how many KB large it is.
Nintendo Wii ISO size: 4.37 GB (4,699,979,776 bytes).
Nintendo Gamecube ISO size: 1.35 GB (1,459,978,240 bytes)
All Nintendo Wii and Gamecube images will be this exact byte size. If your Wii/Gamecube image is off by any then you have a bad dump and need to try again. I plan to submit some Gamecube NTSC-U/J dumps soon."
That's for rawdump anyway I just heard of Friidump 15 minutes a go so I know nothing about that but what I posted in the first message.
8 2007-11-13 22:20:10
Sorry to up this again so late, but I just wanted to confirm that FriiDump makex exact dumps of GC and Wii discs. I've been a beta tester for the program and I know what I'm saying .
9 2007-12-28 10:00:58