1 2018-09-10 17:28:57

I have two TS-H352C drives, and they both have gotten into a state where they won't work with the audio trap disc anymore. Regular CDs and DVDs work fine (especially Xbox DVDs, so they aren't completely useless yet). They just start reading into the LD zone after a length of time.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ … 214806.jpg

If you know anything about where the laser is and how a DC disc is laid out, you would know that this is reading in the low density section of the disc. In other words, a lot of garbage.

If I stick the Audio trap Disc into the drive in it's current state and open ImgBurn, ImgBurn won't even get to the "read" screen properly. It just gets stuck on "reading CD-TEXT".
However, doing the swap process and then trying to dump it with DIC w results in a dump that finishes, but only track 3 matches, the rest is just garbage.

It can still read regular DVDs properly. Since this is a Kreon drive, it can still dump Xbox discs.

Currently, I had managed to get a portion of http://redump.org/disc/54033/ to dump properly, but the data track at the end is messed up. In addition, sadikyo has agreed to send me some undumped DC discs.

With this in mind, I WILL get that previously mentioned disc dumped properly, and I WILL properly dump sadikyo's discs. However, if anyone has any ideas on how to fix one of my my TS-H352C drives, you would be saving me the $20 it would take to buy a TS-H353A.

2 2018-09-19 17:11:05

More info:

I've burned a new trap disc. Now, both drives go past the CD-TEXT screen on Imgburn.

After this, I've noticed that DCDumper appears to make accurate dumps of sections 1-36, or from sector 044990 to sector 394815, or about 784 MB. Comparing the output of my new dump of Rogue Spear with the dump that I submitted to the database also seems to indicate that everything matches up until around the 784MB mark, whereafter the track 98 doesn't match any further.

As tracks 3 to 97 tracks on Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear are 646 MB, and that the audio tracks are identical in the Euro dump and my dump, I've come to the conclusion that my drives apparently dump most of a GD-ROM correctly, and then somehow decides to fuck everything up and read into the low density sector.

Bizarrely, the remaining sections give a consistent hash output. Which indicates that the drive is getting a consistent read somehow from the low density section. I have no idea how this is happening.

jhmiller says that his Audio Trap Disc shows this in ImgBurn:

Disc Information:
Status: Complete
State of Last Session: Complete
Erasable: No
Sessions: 1
Sectors: 549.151
Size: 1.124.661.248 bytes
Time: 122:04:01 (MM:SS:FF)
Supported Read Speeds: 4x; 8x; 12x; 16x; 24x; 32x

TOC Information:
Session 1... (LBA: 0 / 00:02:00)
-> Track 01  (Audio, 122:02:01, LBA: 0 / 00:02:00)
-> LeadOut  (LBA: 549151 / 122:04:01)

Track Information:
Session 1...
-> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, LTS: 549151, LRA: 0)
I just burned a new Audio Trap Disc, and this is what I get:

Disc Information:
Status: Complete
State of Last Session: Complete
Erasable: No
Sessions: 1
Sectors: 549,151
Size: 1,124,661,248 bytes
Time: 122:04:01 (MM:SS:FF)
Supported Read Speeds: 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x, 24x, 32x

TOC Information:
Session 1... (LBA: 0 / 00:02:00)
-> Track 01  (Audio, 122:02:01, LBA: 0 / 00:02:00)
-> LeadOut  (LBA: 549151 / 122:04:01)

Track Information:
Session 1...
-> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, LTS: 549151, LRA: 10616832)(edited)
Other than some cosmetic differences regarding he proper punctuation to use to mark the decimal point, the only difference is the "LRA" at the end.

olofolleola4 says that "LRA" stands for "Last Recorded Address". Does this make a difference?

3 2018-09-19 19:09:25

Were you ever able to dump a dreamcast disc successfully before, using the named drive?

"Last Recorded Address" should not any matter, the only thing that matters is TOC.

PX-760A (+30), PX-W4824TA (+98), GSA-H42L (+667), GDR-8164B (+102), SH-D162D (+6), SOHD-167T (+12)

4 2018-09-20 20:38:54

I was able to properly dump discs with both TS-H162C drives:


Rippin Riders was dumped with my first drive, and Grandia II, San Francisco Rush 2049, and the almost-correct dump of Rogue Spear was dumped by my second drive.

In fact, I recently got a copy of http://redump.org/disc/5990/ and http://redump.org/disc/47415/ (thanks Sadikyo!) and I managed to dump them and get them to match the database somehow with my second drive.

Since then, I've been attempting to dump Rogue Spear again. We'll see what happens. Would the fact that it has 98 tracks make a difference?

5 2018-09-20 20:51:15

I had a similar thing happen to my SH-D162D (which I think is almost the same drive). At some point it started to choke on certain parts of the HD zone and it was never again able to read any DC discs completely, but regular CDs and DVDs were fine.

At the time I had just switched motherboards so I thought it may have had something to do with that, but it's more likely that the drive just broke in some subtle way.

6 2018-09-20 21:58:13

WTF. I just managed to get Rogue Spear to dump properly.

I have no idea what caused this, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

7 2021-08-21 12:08:47

Pardon the necromancy, but I had a similar issue with a drive I picked up off eBay. I was able to do one rip and then the trap disc stopped working.

I burned a new trap disc at 1x speed and now that disc works. I burned the first one at whatever max speed my Plextor supports. I am not 100% sure if this was the only issue, but the old disc continues to not work and the new one does. On the "old" GD-ROM dumping guide on the wiki, someone wrote that CD-RWs are more durable and may read better and be less susceptible to damage or scratches, so maybe I'll grab a CD-RW to have a more permanent trap disc.

Anyway, if someone finds this searching, try re-burning your trap disc at 1x or on a different media.

8 2021-08-22 05:07:22

Update to my last post. I think there's more to this, since my drive got into a state where it wouldn't read the trap disc again and the only thing that resolved it was a full power cycle of the computer.