1 2018-06-28 05:33:16 (edited by h0lylag 2018-06-29 07:09:37)

I purchased a few demo discs recently. At first I thought they followed the same naming scheme, but there actually a few differences. The discs are different than the cases too. Some pictures: https://imgur.com/a/qLe6Rbc

Per the case, names are:

Exhibition Demo Disc for Xbox
Exhibition Demo Disc for Xbox Volume 02
Exhibition Demo Disc for Xbox Volume 03
Exhibition Demo Disc 4 / Exhibition Demo Disc Volume 04
Exhibition Demo Disc Volume 5
Exhibition Volume 6
Exhibition Volume 7

So with all of that said, perhaps "Exhibition: Volume X" for all of them? Or if it should be exactly as on the case or disc? I was hoping to get some insight on what to submit these as.

EDIT: Nevermind, I wasn't paying attention apparently there is already a dump for Volume 2 so I will go with that.

2 2018-07-03 11:14:43

While I agree these should be called Exhibition Volume X (Demo Disc/Demo Disc for Xbox is more like 'explanation' there rather than a part of the title and even appears in different places on the side of the box vs the front cover), I don't understand the reason to call them "Xbox Exhibition (I only see the normal Xbox logo on them, but following this logic you need to add "Xbox" to all the titles).

3 2018-07-04 06:46:44

http://redump.org/disc/53516/ and http://redump.org/disc/53517/ -- are you absolutely sure these demos were actually released and officially distributed in USA, Europe and Japan?

4 2018-07-04 06:49:31 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-04 06:56:59)

I marked them according to what was in the DMI.bin string. Otherwise no, I don't know that they saw release outside of USA.

Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood Demo

Far Cry Instincts Demo

5 2018-07-04 07:42:29

(World) is a replacement for (Japan, USA, Europe) and only set when someone has dumped US, European and Japanese versions and all 3 versions have matched.

6 2018-07-04 07:51:35 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-04 08:31:32)

Ok that is my mistake then. When I read the Xbox dumping thread the way I interpreted the region table was that you matched the letter up and that was the region the game should be submitted as.

I feel like there is a good number of Xbox submissions that are marked Region: World, only have that one version, and is unverified. So I think they would all need to be fixed?

7 2018-07-04 11:00:27

Yes, quite confusing, I guess, but the region in db shows the region of the release, not the internal region encoding. Like, http://redump.org/disc/31187/ is JTUBKAEL (Japan, Taiwan, USA, Brazil, Korea, Asia, Europe, Latin America), so it's "World" from the region-lock's point of view, but that disc with that ringcode was only sold in Europe, so it's (Europe), not (World).

h0lylag wrote:

So I think they would all need to be fixed?

Most likely (unless the same disc of the same version was really released in all 3 regions, it is possible). Should be more or less safe to judge by the barcodes, I think.

Btw, have you ever seen the Splinter Cell's demo packed the similar way? I can't find any good photos, only this small one: http://i494.photobucket.com/albums/rr30 … IM0923.jpg

8 2018-07-04 16:26:02 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-04 17:48:43)

How are you deciding based on ringcodes that they are likely only USA releases. By the "-US" in the mastering code? How do you distinguish regions by barcode? Do you have a reference that can be read / used?

Here are some examples I was talking about. All of these don't have any other versions submitted, are marked as World, and are unverified. So by that logic they could not have been verified against other regional variants to conclude that they are in fact World releases.


The actual game version of Band of Brothers: Earned in Blood follows this same scheme.

So really the best / only option is to completely ignore the region lock code, and submit the games from the region they were sold in. Then wait for other people to dump from their region to confirm the dumps match, then the disc is updated to a World region? Maybe we can update the Xbox guide a little bit to reflect that.

To answer your question no I have never seen that before. I thought I was going crazy at first because the photobucket web page was cutting off the bottom half of the image obscuring the Splinter Cell sleeve. I had to right click > view image to see anything useful.

This was the only thing I could find that might be related: https://assemblergames.com/threads/orig … box.59742/

9 2018-07-04 18:58:38

h0lylag wrote:

How are you deciding based on ringcodes that they are likely only USA releases. By the "-US" in the mastering code? How do you distinguish regions by barcode? Do you have a reference that can be read / used?

I've meant http://redump.org/disc/13488/ - "0 20626 72381 7, 3 348542 199309, 3 348542 199316" - the first barcode belongs to US, other two belong to France, so it looks more like (USA, Europe) rather than (World), also it wasn't even released in Japan, according to Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games

h0lylag wrote:

To answer your question no I have never seen that before. I thought I was going crazy at first because the photobucket web page was cutting off the bottom half of the image obscuring the Splinter Cell sleeve. I had to right click > view image to see anything useful.

This was the only thing I could find that might be related: https://assemblergames.com/threads/orig … box.59742/

Nice, surely the same disc smile Could someone to try to reach him to ask for the proper dump, not just files? smile

Talking about the photobucket image - any idea about the disc in the white sleeve in the bottom-right corner? Maybe artwork is familiar?

10 2018-07-04 19:13:54 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-04 19:14:45)

In regards to the region issues, I want to have my dumps be as correct as possible. Let me know what I need to do to fix them.

For the Splinter Cell demo, I messaged the OP about it on Assembler Games. We'll see if he still has the disc / is willing to help out.

11 2018-07-04 19:41:03

0 08888 99187 8 and 0 08888 59261 7 barcodes belong to US/Canada, from this point of view both demos are (USA). And to show the DMI.bin region - maybe worth to ask iR0b0t to add some special filter code for the comments section, similar to "Internal Serial" for PSX discs?

h0lylag wrote:

For the Splinter Cell demo, I messaged the OP about it on Assembler Games. We'll see if he still has the disc / is willing to help out.

Interesting, that this demo goes ingame in Cxbx-R, while the retail one doesn't.

12 2018-07-07 14:29:56

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Talking about the photobucket image - any idea about the disc in the white sleeve in the bottom-right corner? Maybe artwork is familiar?

No clues about it?

13 2018-07-07 16:31:23 (edited by h0lylag 2018-07-07 16:33:31)

Oh I guess I missed that. Its the "Official Xbox Magazine Best of Xbox Game Demos Vol. 1." Here is another photo: https://img.cat/i/cmbyfvj.jpg

Also I got a reply back from the Splinter Cell demo guy. He says hes interested in dumping and submitting it. I linked him to all the appropriate areas. He says he thinks he might still have his old 0800 drive.

14 2018-07-07 17:22:24

h0lylag wrote:

Also I got a reply back from the Splinter Cell demo guy. He says hes interested in dumping and submitting it. I linked him to all the appropriate areas. He says he thinks he might still have his old 0800 drive.

Nice! Browsing the assemblergames forum, there's another guy with Armed & Dangerous Xbox Playable Demo (which is a DVD-R release, either a copy or intended for debug consoles), a guy with 4 japanese demos (we miss 3 of them), a few guys with unreleased betas (like Fuel), a few guys with Debug versions of certain games and I've noticed this thread - https://assemblergames.com/threads/requ … vds.63263/

Has anyone tried to dump those DVD/Demo combos? I know one of our dumpers has that disc with the Battlefront II demo.