1 2017-08-18 23:59:13


This is my first post as a member here at redump.org.
I'll be straight forward to what I'm looking for - I wanna help from someone here to sell me a working plextor drive.

I have a px716 fw1.11 that is not reading media at all (win10 regconizes the drive only)
I have a px40tsi scsi that is not tested
There's no used plextor drives where I live

So, I'm accepting suggestions of how we can negociate and I hope you guys can help me.

2 2017-08-19 11:32:56

Hi Schrodinger,

I could try to grab a 716 or a Plextor Premium from a german marketplace site.
For the 716 i would want 15€ + shipping cost to you
For the Premium i would want 40€ + shipping cost to you

if you would accept one of the drives and they are dead when i recieve them,
i would send you a 716 from my own collection that is known working.

3 2017-08-19 14:59:25


I'm interested for the 716 model. If everything work well in the end, I could buy the premium model as well.
I'll send a pm to you passing some more details about negociation.

4 2017-08-22 16:53:43

In what situations a Plextor drive would be useful?
Audio Tracks? SafeDisc? SecuROM? Any other protection?

5 2017-08-22 17:18:40

escarlata wrote:

In what situations a Plextor drive would be useful?
Audio Tracks? SafeDisc? SecuROM? Any other protection?

Any CD dump