1 2016-03-18 20:28:28

I dumped it quite a long time ago, here's the info.

System                  Sony PlayStation 2
Media                   DVD-5
Category                Games
Region                  Japan
Serial                  SLPM 65532
EXE Date                2003-12-15
Version                 1.01
Edition                 Original
Barcode                 4 974365 830588
Sectors                 875584
Size                    1793196032
CRC-32                  c77874d1
MD5                     7002490dc70c26c245b2ca0dd17d6ade
SHA-1                   979c39db06cb8fadf13478d49ff0e95732959e33
Mastering Code          SLPM-65532    1
Mastering SID Code      <null>
Toolstamp               <null>
Mould SID Code          45T9

Any reason why it would be removed or something?

2 2016-03-19 16:24:05

It was probably hidden by someone, I don't see it in the deleted feed. An admin can check if it was.

Btw, can you double check this write offset? http://redump.org/disc/37221/

3 2016-03-19 16:49:34

Enker wrote:

It was probably hidden by someone, I don't see it in the deleted feed. An admin can check if it was.

Btw, can you double check this write offset? http://redump.org/disc/37221/

+31 was clearly wrong.. I think he's using a PX-716 so it's most likely combined offset that he posted and +1 is write offset

4 2016-03-19 21:28:48

Oh shoot, sorry, forgot to do the math there, you're right. It's +1. My bad :S

So does anyone know if it was hidden or not, and why it would be? It's definitely a good rip. I can give you pictures of the item if you want, I do own it. If no one knows the answer as to why it's not in the database, it's easy enough for me to resubmit it, I just don't want to have a double entry or anything.

5 2016-03-19 23:19:50

At a wild guess, could be because of the wrong offset, but I don't know. Hope it re-appears though.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

6 2016-03-19 23:56:30

? No, Puyo Puyo Fever is a DVD game I dumped like a year ago or so. The wrong offset was done just yesterday for Street Fighter EX3. I discovered Puyo Puyo Fever was missing because I was submitting Puyo Puyo Fever 2, and I was going to be lazy and get most of the Japanese title from the first game's entry - that's when I discovered it wasn't there.

The wrong offset was only because I haven't dumped stuff in like 6 months or something :S but I've since gone over everything I've done recently and I haven't made any other errors.

7 2016-03-20 00:23:06

My bad smile

I'm still curious as to why it was deleted or hidden.

Hope you find out soon.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

8 2016-03-20 00:36:46

Yeah, thanks. I know I submitted it. But anyway, I still have more new NTSC-J PS2 games to submit, so no biggie if I have to fill out a form for Puyo Puyo Fever again while I'm doing those, just don't want to make any duplicate entries.

9 2016-03-20 05:39:12

No probs, btw. Puyo Puyo Fever is one of my favorite games, I had the Japanese PSP version when it first came out, and I loved it. smile

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

10 2016-03-20 13:57:56

I don't see any Puyo Puyo Fever hidden dumps, try to PM ir0b0t. A week ago ack2121 said he has submitted the [PSX] Doki Doki Poyatchio!! dump and it also disappeared (he resubmitted it later and it was added), so, maybe, some db glitches?

11 2016-03-20 14:34:49

I have also submitted some in the past and they never appeared for some strange reason, when you click add disc, and then it says add another disc tossEAC maybe that last click sometimes glitches as you click it, and the submitted data then vanishes rather than appears were it should have gone.

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

12 2016-03-21 00:29:52

Okay, I might PM ir0b0t, but right now I'm leaning towards database glitch based on what tossEAC shared in his recent post and also another experience of mine: way before I even joined this site, I used it for years just to check my own discs and stuff. I very clearly remember a Flame of Recca Final Burning dump being on the site because it was literally the first NTSC-J game I ever got and I remember being excited to see it on the database. But last year, I did an entire database check at some point against my own collection to see if things were kosher between the two, and I discovered that dump had disappeared. I'm actually the one that added it back in.

I'm getting ready to submit some more games (no errors this time, for reals) so I'll just add my Puyo Puyo Fever dump back, no biggie. But if there are database glitches, someone should look into that yikes

13 2016-03-21 05:38:52

Egen wrote:

I very clearly remember a Flame of Recca Final Burning dump being on the site because it was literally the first NTSC-J game I ever got and I remember being excited to see it on the database. But last year, I did an entire database check at some point against my own collection to see if things were kosher between the two, and I discovered that dump had disappeared. I'm actually the one that added it back in.

Hidden, status was changed to Red by Jackal on Mar 31 2010, 11:42.

14 2016-03-21 15:04:23

...ah. Well, that explains that one then XD

Out of curiosity, does its hash match mine? big_smile