26 2016-04-12 10:54:23

Captain_Rainbow_JAP_WII-TMD - scrubbed

Donkey_Kong_Jungle_Beat_JAP_WII-TMD - scrubbed

Their is more, mainly releases by TMD, let me know how you get on smile

He who controls the SPICE... controls the UNIVERSE!
The SPICE must flow.

27 2016-04-16 16:02:21 (edited by LedZeppelin68 2016-04-16 16:55:14)


ok, at least it works with Captain Rainbow

~15 Gb hdd space
~15 minutes

wiiUnscrubber.exe wii.iso

Pro_Golfer_Saru_JAP_WII-TMD works

Post's attachments

wiiUnscrubber.rar 4.77 kb, 44 downloads since 2016-04-16 

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28 2016-08-25 06:25:58

LedZeppelin68 wrote:


ok, at least it works with Captain Rainbow

~15 Gb hdd space
~15 minutes

wiiUnscrubber.exe wii.iso

Pro_Golfer_Saru_JAP_WII-TMD works

Thank you for making this. I had a few non scene files I got my hands on that were scrubbed and I needed a way to unscrub them when I found this. It worked perfectly...except for the ones I later found had been rebuilt to remove the update partition which caused this tool to crash. It would be nice if this tool would output some text to say what it's doing so I'm not staring a a blinking cursor wondering if it's working. Also just by the nature of how you wrote it I found I can just drag the ISO to it and it will run without having to open the command prompt and type anything.

29 2016-09-20 06:55:26 (edited by WuaZ 2016-09-20 07:24:51)

Should we add the hash of the .iso.dec to the database as well? Or create a dedicated dat file ?

30 2016-09-29 06:16:22

WuaZ wrote:

Should we add the hash of the .iso.dec to the database as well? Or create a dedicated dat file ?

Please, do not