1 2014-09-06 18:42:01

Hello everyone,

I'm pretty sure this is a crazy idea but I think Redump should consider developping it's own set of tools for dumping discs. Dumping tutorials depend on very very wide variety of closed source softwares. Some are discontinuited, some not, some are freeware, some not.

There's already some tools made in that optics, but think it should have some other goals like:

  • Free and Open-Source (BSD, MIT, GPL, ...) so that other projects can contribute or tweak the tools to their needs.

  • Support for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X, simply because we all don't use Windows.

I'll be ready to give a hand with that.

What do you guys think?

2 2014-09-06 19:35:43

Did you even read the forum? e.g. http://forum.redump.org/topic/10483/discimagecreator/

3 2014-09-06 19:51:28

Jackal wrote:

Did you even read the forum? e.g. http://forum.redump.org/topic/10483/discimagecreator/

Of course, this is what I'm pointing when I say efforts are being done.
So far the problem with this tool is that it focuses on Windows.

4 2014-09-06 22:44:20 (edited by Jackal 2014-09-06 22:49:45)

We've had maybe 1 or 2 OS X users over the years and not more than a handful of Linux users. From what I recall, it was nearly impossible to get proper CD drive access for dumping features in OS X.. If you insist on using Linux then just run it with Wine.. but since you offered your discs in another thread to a dumper, I guessing you don't have a Plextor drive and DIC would be useless for you anyway then.

5 2014-09-07 13:59:42

LunaVorax wrote:
Jackal wrote:

Did you even read the forum? e.g. http://forum.redump.org/topic/10483/discimagecreator/

Of course, this is what I'm pointing when I say efforts are being done.
So far the problem with this tool is that it focuses on Windows.

I don't have Unix-like OS(Linux, BSD, OS-X...). So, I don't support at the present moment.