What is the CURRENT and RECOMMENDED method for dumping audio tracks? (Mixed-mode and/or straight audio.) Include tool names along with specific settings/options and proper command-line usage to support your argument.
Redump Forum → General discussion → What is the CURRENT Method for Dumping Audio Tracks?
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What is the CURRENT and RECOMMENDED method for dumping audio tracks? (Mixed-mode and/or straight audio.) Include tool names along with specific settings/options and proper command-line usage to support your argument.
DIC does a good job, I use this .cmd file to run it. Because C2 pointers option (due to incorrect implementation) is basically useless, run it without that option but dumping twice the disc:
@set /p var1="Name of dump?"
@md "%var1% - [Dump 1]"
@cd "%var1% - [Dump 1]"
discimagecreator.exe -rall g: 8 "%var1% - [Dump 1]"
@md "%var1% - [Dump 2]"
@cd "%var1% - [Dump 2]"
discimagecreator.exe -rall g: 8 "%var1% - [Dump 2]"
[0x0d0a]: Select and delete just this, so that the .cmd file ends properly with an empty line.
And make sure that both dumps are identical.
P.S.: My .cmd file doesn't include the absolute path to the executable because I always extract my command line utilities to a folder, and I always add this folder to the environment variable %Path%.
Thanks, Pablo. But is the lack of response here meaning to suggest that this is the ONLY acceptable method for dumping audio?
I stated my opinion regarding EAC a few of days ago. PF works OK (speaking of mixed mode CDs, not pure audio discs) only for discs without mastering errors and very standard layouts, like the vast majority of PSX discs. But for PC discs with unusual things, like scrambled sectors in the pregap of first audio track can be inaccurate sometimes.
To dump pure audio discs PF isn't a bad option (just a warning, the offset correction value you have to enter in the PF setup is the expected/calculated but with flipped sign, for example: for +30 samples offset correction enter -30 samples in the PF setup), and for this task can be used with any decent drive which reports C2 errors, reads raw subcodes and can overread into the first pregap and the lead-out (not only real Plextor drives), like my Lite-On LH-20A1P or my Lite-On LTR-48246S crossflashed to Sony CRX220E1.
To dump audio discs apply always, as general rule, the standard offset correction proposed by AccurateRip (audio sectors don't contain synchronization marks, whereas data sectors do contain synchronization marks). If needed, tweak the offset correction to rescue the last audio samples pushed to the lead-out or first pregap zone. Example:
Open the "LBA 233350 of 27762.bin" through any hex editor. There are 44 samples / 176 bytes of non-zeroed audio samples (offset of drive used = +30 samples / +120 bytes). Applying the offset correction we would lose 14 samples / 56 bytes of non-zeroed audio samples, so that we assume that write offset of this disc is +14 samples, and the offset correction we apply is [AccurateRip value for your drive] + [+14 samples].
An example of audio CD with audio samples pushed to the first pregap:
1223 samples / 4892 bytes non-zeroed pushed to the pregap (offset of drive used = +30 samples / +120 bytes), so we assume that the write offset of this disc is [-1223 samples] - [+30 samples] = -1253 samples.
You can use the sector viewer of IsoBuster or CDTool to check the last sectors of first pregap and the first sectors of lead-out, using your real Plextor drive or any another drive which can overread into the first pregap and the lead-out, and tweak the offset correction if you notice non-zeroed audio samples pushed to the first pregap or the lead-out you can "rescue".
Anyway, fortunately the vast majority of pure audio CDs contains a generous ammount of digital silence after the first pregap and before the lead-out, so that it will be relatively rare that you will have to apply a tweaked offset correction to "rescue" non-zeroed audio samples.
Optionally, you can run the subdump.exe program to get a dump of subcode of discs, but use only a real Plextor drive (due to D8 support). If you submit the files created by this program, an administrator can review it and mark as verified the cuesheet field (green color) for your dump. For PSX and PC is optional. For Sega Saturn, Sega Mega-CD, Neo-Geo CD and PC Engine (the platforms controlled by F1ReB4LL, in short) is imperative that you submit a dump of subcode obtained this way.
Example of .cmd (as always select and delete [0x0d0a], so that your .cmd ends properly with a new empty line):
@set /p var1="Name of dump?"
subdump.exe -i g: -f %var1% -mode 2 -rereadnum 25 -speed 8 -flushspeed 8 -fix 2
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Redump Forum → General discussion → What is the CURRENT Method for Dumping Audio Tracks?