1 2013-08-08 20:28:09 (edited by V. 2013-08-08 22:41:10)


This is a tool to combine crcs.


 This can be used to combine several crc values into one.

 combinecrcs <CHUNKSIZE> <CRC> [<CHUNKSIZE> <CRC>]...

 Useful for finding combined crc values of tracks in the redump.org database.

 Use "make" on any linux/unix/bsd console nearby, or if you must, an msys or cygwin environment.
 You need to use a relatively recent gcc (4.5.0+ ish I guess).

 This software uses crcutil-1.0 for providing fast crc calculations.
 crcutil is made by Andrew Kadatch and Bob Jenkins and can be found on http://code.google.com/p/crcutil/
 Do not contact them for support on this software.
 The Makefile will try to pull in version 1.0 through wget if it is not supplied yet.

Small word of caution:
 Relying on a crc for checking a complete image is reasonably robust against data corruption.
 However, it is not robust for data integrity checking.
 Data can easily be faked to produce any crc of ones liking, so a collide is easy to compute.
 If you want to be sure about data integrity, use a crypto hash, such as md5 or sha1.

 At the moment, see the redump.org forum thread where you got this.


Small word of caution:
Relying on a crc for checking a complete image is reasonably robust against data corruption, but not for data integrity checking.
Data can easily be faked to produce any crc of ones liking, so a collide is easy to compute.
If you want to be sure about data integrity, use a crypto hash, such as md5 or sha1.

I updated the 0.1 archives with this warning included in the readme.
Please redownload if yours doesn't contain it.

Source: combinecrcs-0.1.tar.gz
Win32 binary: combinecrcs-0.1-bin-win32.zip

2 2013-08-08 22:00:03

Simply impressive, calculated (instantly) combined CRCs of individual tracks matches the one from the actual concatenated dump:


On semi-vacation. MSF/AMSF to LBA/offset and viceversa calculator: link
To write properly occidental characters contained in japanese titles: screenshot
Spaces must be the fullwidth variant: link / screenshot

3 2013-08-08 22:06:44 (edited by Jackal 2013-08-08 22:10:04)

Great tool!

ps. ir0b0t will be adding the combined crc-32 hash to the dump info page of all multitrack dumps soon, in case people want to check the integrity of their combined images.. Also, a cuesheets pack will be available as download for these images smile